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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Feb 2012, 2:33 am

A few years ago, three acquaintances and I had been spending the day together. They were all acting somewhat distant from me, but one of them seemed considerably less distant than the other two. A minor disagreement (I forget what it was about, but it was minor) unfolded between me and the two more-distant acquaintances (who were dating, but the fact that they were dating is pretty much immaterial), who then went home as a result. It felt as though they were against me the whole time, even before the disagreement, without me having done anything to offend them, anger them, sadden them, or cause them discomfort. I was even in a content mood! I maintained as hospitable of a presence as I could the whole time!

The third acquaintance, who decided not to go home (but also respectfully disagreed with me), said that I gave off a "negative aura," and that this is the reason why they seemed so uncomfortable around me the whole time. Which was news to me, because as I mentioned in the previous paragraph in this post, I hadn't done (nor was I trying to do) anything to offend, anger, sadden, or discomfort them. I couldn't figure out what was bothering them. What the hell, I asked, does it even mean to have a "negative aura"!? What is it, even? So me and that third acquaintance of mine briefly discussed it, and they basically said something to the effect of, "People just feel uncomfortable around you. They don't know why. Even if you're not saying or doing anything that you shouldn't be saying or doing." Thanks. Although I know what an aura is, I looked up the word and included the definitions below, for readers' convenience:

noun, plural au·ras or, for 3, au·rae  [awr-ee]
1. a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness.
2. a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.

In the above-mentioned scenario, the second definition obviously bears much closer of a resemblance to what my acquaintance described. It makes sense that some quality of mine or atmosphere I gave off in front of all the acquaintances would be subtle, seeing that, as far as I could tell, there was nothing I noticed and nothing I could help or change about myself that would improve their level of comfort around me.

And, assuming it's true that I have a "negative aura," it would also explain why people generally don't like me as a person except for on a polite, "surface" basis.

I guess I'm making this post because I am curious as to whether anyone on this site has been told anything along the lines of that they have a "negative aura." If so, feel free to share your story.

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20 Feb 2012, 2:58 am

I've never been told I have a negative aura, but judging by how people seem to avoid me or stay away from me I guess I must give off some kind of bad vibe.

I think it might be that I don't know how to react around others very well... I'm never sure what I should do or say and I know I appear awkward (which is how I feel most of the time) and so I put up a wall which others pick up on as a bad or negative vibe. I'm also scared that if others get to know me better they won't like me because of my strange ways and will reject me.

I wish I didn't send out "keep away from me" vibes because whilst it keeps people away from me who I don't want anything to do with it also keeps away those I'd love to get to know better and maybe form a friendship or even a relationship with.


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20 Feb 2012, 7:06 am

Psychic's are able to pick up vibrations from any object. If the object was used by a killer they are able to feel that vibration.

Similarly we people absorb the energies around us. When i was with my grandparents i was very happy, bubbly and live wire
some relatives say that i was totally different then

When i shifted with my parents everything about me changed. My parents were abusive, psychos, they had NPD and whole
day they gave bad words, they beat me up, hit me badly.

I caught their vibrations and their behaviour affected my aura and eventually everybody around me found me odd. I used
to dress in a very loud way, i was a wannabe i didnt know how to behave in social situations. I could not make any friends

After lot of failures, breakdowns and depression and doing lot of inner work i have managed to brush off little bit of that negative
aura around me.

Also in Eckharts Tolle's book A new earth there is a chapter about Pain Body and how people with Pain body tend to have negative
effect on people....

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20 Feb 2012, 7:46 am

I've been there too, but not nearly as much today as in my youth- dates with young women were a monumental task!!
This "aura" phenomenon can be attributed to evolutionary psychology - people HAD to pick up on "vibes" from others as it was crucial to their survival, banding together with someone who they could trust and relate to, etc. The same is even more true for females, who are more acutely attuned to auras and vibes - you've no doubt heard the cliche that women can just point to a guy and say "that guy gives me the creeps" even if she doesn't really know that guy or anything about him.

I suppose much of the aura could be to "how you carry yourself" - which in NT phraseology means, do you have a confident or content posture, do you not have a glazed look, are you fairly open body-language wise i.e. arms not rigidly brought to the side of body, hands locked, etc - it took me YEARS to completely figure out these superficial expectations, and again, blame the residuals of evolutionary psychology.


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20 Feb 2012, 8:10 am

I can't remember whether I've posted this before, but never mind... :)
An NT once told me that humans are just like dogs.
Both humans and dogs can sense "vibes".
Both humans and dogs might attack you once they sense that you are emitting fear.


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20 Feb 2012, 9:58 am

Magdalena wrote:
A few years ago, three acquaintances and I had been spending the day together. They were all acting somewhat distant from me, but one of them seemed considerably less distant than the other two. A minor disagreement (I forget what it was about, but it was minor) unfolded between me and the two more-distant acquaintances (who were dating, but the fact that they were dating is pretty much immaterial), who then went home as a result. It felt as though they were against me the whole time, even before the disagreement, without me having done anything to offend them, anger them, sadden them, or cause them discomfort. I was even in a content mood! I maintained as hospitable of a presence as I could the whole time!

The third acquaintance, who decided not to go home (but also respectfully disagreed with me), said that I gave off a "negative aura," and that this is the reason why they seemed so uncomfortable around me the whole time. Which was news to me, because as I mentioned in the previous paragraph in this post, I hadn't done (nor was I trying to do) anything to offend, anger, sadden, or discomfort them. I couldn't figure out what was bothering them. What the hell, I asked, does it even mean to have a "negative aura"!? What is it, even? So me and that third acquaintance of mine briefly discussed it, and they basically said something to the effect of, "People just feel uncomfortable around you. They don't know why. Even if you're not saying or doing anything that you shouldn't be saying or doing." Thanks. Although I know what an aura is, I looked up the word and included the definitions below, for readers' convenience:

noun, plural au·ras or, for 3, au·rae  [awr-ee]
1. a distinctive and pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere: an aura of respectability; an aura of friendliness.
2. a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.

In the above-mentioned scenario, the second definition obviously bears much closer of a resemblance to what my acquaintance described. It makes sense that some quality of mine or atmosphere I gave off in front of all the acquaintances would be subtle, seeing that, as far as I could tell, there was nothing I noticed and nothing I could help or change about myself that would improve their level of comfort around me.

And, assuming it's true that I have a "negative aura," it would also explain why people generally don't like me as a person except for on a polite, "surface" basis.

I guess I'm making this post because I am curious as to whether anyone on this site has been told anything along the lines of that they have a "negative aura." If so, feel free to share your story.

Yes, I have been told I am a negative person before because I seem to talk about things that make me upset. However, I am really working on improving that area by talking about positive things with out sounding superficial. In your situation, it sounds more like you could have been making some facial expressions and other body languages that made you look negative when that wasn't the case. At the same time, I don't know your full situation.

At any rate, you might want to contact the people directly the next time that happens and mention that you noticed the other person(s) being distant with you and would like to know what you did to offend them. If they give you a phony answer with plenty of excuses, I would cross them off my list. If they do respond on the other hand, you might tell them. "I have Asperger's Syndrome which is an Autism Spectrum Disorder." I sometimes do things that I am unaware of such at talk, make facial expressions, or gives off certain body language. It is not that I am a negative person at all and you might keep that in mind. Please also bear with me that I am under construction and that you sometimes see the hazard zones."


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20 Feb 2012, 11:30 am

I think that the two people were just irritated with the OP, and that the OP's "aura" (a.k.a., "attitude") was used as an excuse to cut loose from the OP and go their own way.


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20 Feb 2012, 11:33 am

I have had people tell me I give off a vibe of fear. Little wonder, as I went through life until recently with a horrible buried abuse history, which when I finally looked at it, was incredibly scary.

I have also seen "aura reading" - as in seeing a color associated with a personality type, described as a form of synesthisia, where one sense overlaps with another. For example, some people see a distinct color associated with a certain musical note, say, middle C appears to them as the color red, and b flat as orange. But the interesting part is that people with color / musical note synesthisia do not see the same colors for the same notes. They even become very upset with one another over what the "right" color for a given note is.

All of which to say, someone could read you as having a "brown" aura and that might mean "negative" to them, while to another aura reader "brown" might mean tranquil. I have had people tell me I seemed very calm when in fact I felt very nervous and that I seemed very upset when actually I was excited in a positive way. And those of us on the spectrum have a lot of trouble with both receptive and expressive communication. Maybe "normal" people have more trouble than we realize.

When people seem stand-offish to me now, instead of asking myself "Do they not like me?", I try to ask myself, "Do I like them?" and then go from there.


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20 Feb 2012, 11:44 am

emtyeye wrote:
I have had people tell me I give off a vibe of fear. Little wonder, as I went through life until recently with a horrible buried abuse history, which when I finally looked at it, was incredibly scary.

I have also seen "aura reading" - as in seeing a color associated with a personality type, described as a form of synesthisia, where one sense overlaps with another. For example, some people see a distinct color associated with a certain musical note, say, middle C appears to them as the color red, and b flat as orange. But the interesting part is that people with color / musical note synesthisia do not see the same colors for the same notes. They even become very upset with one another over what the "right" color for a given note is.

All of which to say, someone could read you as having a "brown" aura and that might mean "negative" to them, while to another aura reader "brown" might mean tranquil. I have had people tell me I seemed very calm when in fact I felt very nervous and that I seemed very upset when actually I was excited in a positive way. And those of us on the spectrum have a lot of trouble with both receptive and expressive communication. Maybe "normal" people have more trouble than we realize.

When people seem stand-offish to me now, instead of asking myself "Do they not like me?", I try to ask myself, "Do I like them?" and then go from there.

Aura can be read with kirlian photography i have tried it and my base chakra was shown extremely damaged

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20 Feb 2012, 1:21 pm

In 1939, Semyon Kirlian discovered by accident that if an object on a photographic plate is subjected to a high-voltage electric field, an image is created on the plate. The image looks like a colored halo or coronal discharge. This image is said to be a physical manifestation of the spiritual aura or "life force" which allegedly surrounds each living thing.

Allegedly, this special method of "photographing" objects is a gateway to the paranormal world of auras. Actually, what is recorded is due to quite natural phenomena such as pressure, electrical grounding, humidity and temperature. Changes in moisture (which may reflect changes in emotions), barometric pressure, and voltage, among other things, will produce different 'auras'.

There have even been claims of electrophotography being able to capture "phantom limbs," e.g., when a leaf is placed on the plate and then torn in half and "photographed," the whole leaf shows up in the picture. This is not due to paranormal forces, however, but to fraud or to residues left from the initial impression of the whole leaf.

More on Kirlian Photography at: Kirlian Photography (Link)

The alleged energy of the chakras is not scientifically measurable, though some have tried to connect the chakras with physical organs such as the pineal gland and the thymus.

More on Chakras at: Chakras (Link)


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20 Feb 2012, 1:44 pm

icyfire4w5 wrote:
I can't remember whether I've posted this before, but never mind... :)
An NT once told me that humans are just like dogs.
Both humans and dogs can sense "vibes".
Both humans and dogs might attack you once they sense that you are emitting fear.

Well, I don't know about that, that's a bit of a stretch - I wouldn't say that humans are just like dogs, but have some ability to sense fear. If it's through the physiological signs such as eyes wide, tensing up or shaking, sweat drops on the forehead...maybe...but if it's "internalized", I don't think most people would notice. Even I would notice those signs on someone and I have Aspergers :) but the more subtle signs of fear definitely escape me, never mind them escaping an NT.

If anything, I think people (NTs) see us as weird because we don't seem to recognize when other people are emitting fear vibes, and I got second-hand feedback in my early 20s on this, when I'd interact with a female, I thought things were going well but the trusted friends I had at the time (still friends today) told me that "she seems uncomfortable around you" - and I didn't notice - and in hindsight, I guess it was like a vicious circle where that young woman found me even more scary and weird because of the fact that I clearly didn't notice and act on her fear vibes. But that was pre-diagnosis, so I had no "roadmap" to attempt navigating around the obstacles.

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20 Feb 2012, 8:19 pm

Jayo wrote:
I've been there too, but not nearly as much today as in my youth- dates with young women were a monumental task!!
This "aura" phenomenon can be attributed to evolutionary psychology - people HAD to pick up on "vibes" from others as it was crucial to their survival, banding together with someone who they could trust and relate to, etc. The same is even more true for females, who are more acutely attuned to auras and vibes - you've no doubt heard the cliche that women can just point to a guy and say "that guy gives me the creeps" even if she doesn't really know that guy or anything about him.

I suppose much of the aura could be to "how you carry yourself" - which in NT phraseology means, do you have a confident or content posture, do you not have a glazed look, are you fairly open body-language wise i.e. arms not rigidly brought to the side of body, hands locked, etc - it took me YEARS to completely figure out these superficial expectations, and again, blame the residuals of evolutionary psychology.

I do agree that there's an evolutionary psych side to it. And I know I forgot to mention it in my post, but in my situation, there was nothing wrong with my posture. I have naturally good posture and otherwise look like a "normal," content human being. I appear no less confident than any other person appears. Which is what had me so puzzled and, recently, wondering whether it were some sort of aspie-related inability to read and catch social cues.


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20 Feb 2012, 11:10 pm

Fnord wrote:
More on Kirlian Photography at: Kirlian Photography (Link)

The alleged energy of the chakras is not scientifically measurable, though some have tried to connect the chakras with physical organs such as the pineal gland and the thymus.

More on Chakras at: Chakras (Link)

I have learned entire levels of pranic healing and it involves healing through aura.
and study is about chakras and its healing

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21 Feb 2012, 12:23 am

People have this really bad tendency of reading expressions and actions as moods and intentions that may not actually be there. It's something they learn to rely on from interacting with most other people that express their emotions and thoughts through microexpressions in the face in an accurate and predictable way. Since they are usually unaware that this is what they are doing on a cognitive level, they have an equally bad habit of equating their "feelings" about a person as some sort of mysticism or other magical thinking philosophy.

"has a bad aura"
"giving off a bad vibe"
"gives me the creeps"
"makes me feel uneasy around him"

All are part of the same thinking (or lack thereof) processes. These are natural process which serve to help the individual interpret and predict the environment around them. The problem is that they are not 100% infallible, even though most people treat them as such.


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21 Feb 2012, 12:36 pm

NicoleG wrote:
People have this really bad tendency of reading expressions and actions as moods and intentions that may not actually be there. It's something they learn to rely on from interacting with most other people that express their emotions and thoughts through microexpressions in the face in an accurate and predictable way. Since they are usually unaware that this is what they are doing on a cognitive level, they have an equally bad habit of equating their "feelings" about a person as some sort of mysticism or other magical thinking philosophy.

"has a bad aura"
"giving off a bad vibe"
"gives me the creeps"
"makes me feel uneasy around him"

All are part of the same thinking (or lack thereof) processes. These are natural process which serve to help the individual interpret and predict the environment around them. The problem is that they are not 100% infallible, even though most people treat them as such.

You totally hit the nail on the head with this. Case in point: someone in my circle used to work for a woman who claimed to be an "expert" at intuitive interviewing. She bragged about how "whenever the right candidate walks through the door, I know him/her right away." Trouble is, she ended up letting go of about half the people she hired during probation. So much for that!! !

I've read a couple of articles on intuitive interviewing, and found there is indeed a wide gap between what people claim as their intuitive interviewing ability, and actual results.

It seems to be some residual aspect of evolutionary psychology. Many of us have heard that interviewers decide in the first 10-15 seconds whether they think you're suitable for the job or not, which is horsepoop. I've actually been on interview panels and I preferred to assess the candidate based on their merits, intelligence, and work ethic, not how superficially charming or presentable they are, or some hokey "bad aura".

But that's just me...


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21 Feb 2012, 1:06 pm

There is an interesting thread in the General Autism Discussion forum called "article on face reading technique" . The article in one place talks about normal people being tested on their ability to detect lying by looking at films of people who definetly were or were not lying. The average person had a score equal to chance. So the average person is not really so good at this. But the other interesting part was that the average person could quickly learn to read microexpressions when taught. It is a skill that can be learned.