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Joined: 13 Sep 2011
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15 Jul 2012, 12:38 pm

Nearly three years ago, I had a nasty falling out with someone who was a support system type of relationship. I had made plans with her during that time but things just didn't work out on the day of out plans due to a lack of communication on her behalf as to whether she was on her way or had just arrived. This was also due to a major misunderstanding on both ends.

-I thought that she was a no show because she didn't call me upon arrival and so I got busy with something else since she had other clients who were part of the support system as well. Before I got busy though, I made an effort to tell her where I was and what I was doing.

-She thought that I was a no show because I did show up at a certain time which freaked her out in thinking that I was kidnapped and so she contacted the mall security in wanting to know where I was while also getting other crew members to search the location of our meeting place. Finally, She also nearly called the police.

Because of it, she lost her interest in being my support system and cut herself loose from my completely even though I felt bad on my end. Why things were so bad that when I ended up getting my own place a few months later, she dumped off a box of dishes without giving a card, or calling. This was after talking to a family member and I about my moving out and thinking that we were cool. When I saw otherwise, though, it proved to me that she was still mad.

Moving forward though, I was pretty hurt for a while and even talked to a few counselors since in addition to working on being forgiving. Do you think it might be a good idea to explain how I felt without being accusatory while letting her know that I am not going to think about it anymore.

Also, how do you feel about seeing if she wants to meet me for lunch sometime to talk things over? Do you think that might be a bad idea at this point?