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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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Joined: 3 Apr 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 236

12 Jul 2012, 4:02 pm

Ok. During my last semester of college I made friends with a kid who had all the hallmarks of ASD, but not a diagnostic label.

He had a very awkward walking gait, he perservated to me about all kinds of stuff ( I didnt know whether to gently correct him, or just let it go on) had a tough time with organization and school, and most tellingly, said he was desperatley lonely. He transferred from Normandale community college, to University of St. Thomas ( my alma mater.)

He said hes had barely any satisfying friendships in his life, and was bullied in high school :(. Myself having ASD and struggling with friendships at times, my heart went out to him. But he was an incredibly frustrating person to try and help. I would send him emails that he would see but never reply to. Like I have sent him 15 e-mails, giving him info at ASD ( just for him to check out) and asking if he wanted to hang out this summer ( he hasnt replied.)

I also tried to involve him in the activities I was in, hoping I could introduce him to my pals and try and integrate him. I suggested he go to a Christian youth group on campus for a couple meetings ( he didnt show, though hes very interested in Christianity.)

I also asked if he wanted to go run with me and my running club (3 or 4 other people.) He actually agreed to, and told me hed be out in a second. Me and the group waited 5 minutes for him ( at my recommendation) and he did not show up! So we went out without him.

I am somewhat frustrated and angry with him. After all I could help him so much, he wants friends really badly. I think this must be some BIG social anxiety left over from high school. Could his lack of email response be some executive functioning thing that never got helped? or just negligence/ laziness?

I am pretty sure this guy is an aspie. I am so annoyed with him because I can relate to his boredom/ loneliness/ isolation, and am frustrated that he just will not let me help him (though he seems to want it.)

Thoughts anyone?