say they want to hang out - and later avoid you?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Jul 2012, 2:46 am

I had this happen a few times - people tell me they really want to see me or ask me to invite them places, but when I do invite them, they either become non-responsive to my invite or become reluctant to come along. Does this happen to anyone else? What motivates this behaviour? What's the appropriate way to deal with a situation like this - should there be continued invites or should an assumption be made that they are not worth being around?

Is this a part of normal NT behaviour or does it suggest a flaky or questionable personality?


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28 Jul 2012, 3:35 am

Could you give an example more in detail?

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats - Albert Schweitzer

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Jul 2012, 4:48 am

Moondust wrote:
Could you give an example more in detail?

there were three occations like this this year

There was a guy who said he really wanted to see me this year - I asked him three times if he wanted to hang out and each time he ignored my invations. The second time he said he contacted me after the event had passed to let me know he was really sorry and would like to hang out, but then the third invite was ignored.

The second instance was a girl who said she really wanted to hang out after she got back into the country. I contacted her 4 about hanging out three times as well. The first she was not available, the second was ignored, the third she said she would get back to me about dates and never did. After this she was really excited when it became apparent we would meet up by chance and, and she told me it was so great to see me. However, when I invited her out a fourth time, it was once again ignored.

The third case is another girl who keeps asking me to invite her out places. I invited her out and she got back to me after 3 days to let me know she cant hang out. The second time, we did hang out and this is the third time - she asked me to invite her out and now hasn't repsonded to my request. I would rather not deal with situations like this in the future. Can anyone give insight into what is happening.


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28 Jul 2012, 5:50 am

I've suffered from this a lot in my life, so much that nowadays at the first sign of incongruence I drop them like a hot iron.

Why they do this?
I think some people do this mainly because they're constantly trying to make sure they have backup plans should they find themselves lonely at some point. People like to know that there is someone there somewhere waiting to meet them, even if they don't need that person in their lives right now, to feel appreciated, accepted and not alone, be able to say they have tons of friends. People like to be chased, makes them feel popular and reassures them.

I despise people who play this kind of unfair games with my feelings to improve THEIR feelings. It's one way people use others for self-gain (increasing THEIR good feelings at the expense of YOUR feelings). So if they ever call me again I tell them I'm on another call and will get back in a few minutes, and of course I leave them hanging. I don't do this for revenge, but to make sure that next time they do this to someone, they know there are consequences. I believe in teaching people a lesson.

How to act?
I wouldn't extend an invitation more than once. It's also the accepted (unspoken) thing in society that if the first time you take the initiative they aren't responsive to it and meeting doesn't materialize because of them (for whatever reason in the world, even force majeur), it is them who have to make the next initiative. Otherwise it means they're not interested and you, rather than nice, are seen as a lonely nudge with little self-esteem, or in worst-case scenarios, as a stalker.

This rule is a lot more flexible when it's someone pursuing someone as a love interest. The pursuer is seen as ok if he/she insists 2-3 times.

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats - Albert Schweitzer


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28 Jul 2012, 6:03 am

I wanted to clarify that, in NT society, people assume you know this rule instinctively, that you're like other NTs. This is why they start seeing you in a negative light if you insist - they think you're purposefully ignoring this rule of etiquette and their feelings of being pressured. Some clueless aspies could get an aggressive reaction like: "How many times do I have to say NO for you to understand I'm not interested?!"

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats - Albert Schweitzer

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Jul 2012, 8:07 am

Thank you so much moondust for your detailed response - this clarifys the senario alot and I believe it will be very helpful in avoiding future situations like these.

Moondust wrote:
I've suffered from this a lot in my life, so much that nowadays at the first sign of incongruence I drop them like a hot iron.

Why they do this?
I think some people do this mainly because they're constantly trying to make sure they have backup plans should they find themselves lonely at some point. People like to know that there is someone there somewhere waiting to meet them, even if they don't need that person in their lives right now, to feel appreciated, accepted and not alone, be able to say they have tons of friends. People like to be chased, makes them feel popular and reassures them.

I despise people who play this kind of unfair games with my feelings to improve THEIR feelings. It's one way people use others for self-gain (increasing THEIR good feelings at the expense of YOUR feelings). So if they ever call me again I tell them I'm on another call and will get back in a few minutes, and of course I leave them hanging. I don't do this for revenge, but to make sure that next time they do this to someone, they know there are consequences. I believe in teaching people a lesson.

How to act?
I wouldn't extend an invitation more than once. It's also the accepted (unspoken) thing in society that if the first time you take the initiative they aren't responsive to it and meeting doesn't materialize because of them (for whatever reason in the world, even force majeur), it is them who have to make the next initiative. Otherwise it means they're not interested and you, rather than nice, are seen as a lonely nudge with little self-esteem, or in worst-case scenarios, as a stalker.

This rule is a lot more flexible when it's someone pursuing someone as a love interest. The pursuer is seen as ok if he/she insists 2-3 times.