BMctav wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I'm not the sort to say ''oh they're not worth my time'' or, ''oh I'm too good for them''. I just find it so hard to just tell myself that, because I know that I have AS and I know the AS does make me a target so sometimes it's a no wonder that people can't accept me for who I am and so decide to belittle me instead.
Having AS should not make you a target. I figure that a proper friend that likes (or loves) and cares about you would never purposely be cruel to you. If you were my friend I'd accept you for who you are, just as I do any NT, and would never purposely belittle you, but that's because I'm essentially a good person. If someone is treating you in a way that hurts you, then I'd be inclined to consider if that relationship was worth having. You need to find good people, Joe90; you deserve it.
Well I do but the thing is I have random strangers on the street making me feel like a target, by laughing at me, belitting me, humiliating me, staring at me, and all those other things that I consider a form of schoolyard bullying that I would have thought adults would grow out of. Well, men do, but women don't. It's not that I even look different or appear unusual in any way that encourages negative attention because I know I don't, which makes the uncontrollable situation even more hurtful and also very unsettling.