I dont have noise sensativity issues as I am partially deaf, So for several years(4), I worked in a nightclub. At the same time, I owned a small vending business, and one of my machines was a cigarette machine in that club. Oddly, I do not smoke...
But anyway, because I was always there, and because I dont drink(I'll get back to that), I was offered a job by the manager/head bartender. I figured she meant as a bartender, and I quickly mentally rattled off how many they had, and realized that they didnt need any. I asked...
And she said "No! As a bouncer!" "Oh My God." I thought. She has GOT to be kidding me. I told her I didnt know how to fight! and she said....
"Silly! Its not about that!"(shes a good friend). She told me that I was calm, even tempered, and was quiet(and I didnt drink, but I told you, I will get to that! Hang on.) I'm also a fair sized man, 6 feet tall and 220 pounds. What I feel doesnt broadcast, so I am percieved as calm.
..is me. I'm the type that stares, but I dont subconsciously flinch/avert when they glance back. Seems to break due process, and they dont see any sign of weakness/submission, and so they do not anger. I stare, but I do not offend.
So anyway. For four years, I was the guy that would have thrown you out for inapproapriate behavior, and the six years previous to that, I was never asked to leave because of my behavior. Because of this, I feel uniquely qualified to answer and advise you if you have any questions about large group socializing, especially about how to blend in.
So.. ask away.
Oh, and about the not drinking... I'll be using the phrase "I eschew ibibing ethylated libations". I hope you do too, if you choose to drive.