justkillingtime wrote:
A friend/old boyfriend I have known for over 40 years is driving across country to the city where I live. His plan was to stay 2-3 days with his sister and 2-3 days with me and 2-3 days with another friend. At first I said I don't have room. He said he could sleep on the sofa. I said that I use my home to get away from people. I know this hurt his feelings but the idea of not being able to be alone combined with he is not a pet person (I have 3 cats that are the world to me) is too much for me. I feel like I would be in a constant state of intruder alert.
Your candor makes me jealous...
The fact you were so forthcoming is a good thing, and honestly, anyone who makes plans to travel around, should have the money to stay in a hotel and not inconvenience their friends.
If I travel, I always make sure my backup plan is available (a hotel). The only thing worse than being honest about this would have been reluctantly letting him stay and being pissed at him the whole time.