Lately, I've been noticing the strong nt's have a lot of difficulties taking things literally, but instead find double meaning when there is none. I say this because it is quite frustrating if an idea is misinterpreted due to not being on the same page. My boyfriend is not on the spectrum, though things he says do make me wonder if he does understand how some of things he says do come across. While at work he told a pharmacist, who was training him, that he didn't want to be just a pharmacist, but a general manager of pharmacy. This came across as an insult, though I think he meant it more literally than what she assumed ("just a pharmacist" isn't that special). To him, it's because he would rather manage people since he feels like he's better at that than being a hospital pharmacist. She didn't know him personally, and didn't understand that it wasn't an insult, but in actuality, a compliment to her for putting up with things he wouldn't want to do. I think a better example is when we went to a restaurant and he wanted to order "white" soda, and didn't realize we were in an area of chicago where it would be misinterpreted. He has an allergic-type reaction to caffeine and in turn chooses decaffeinated drinks. Unfortunately, his intention was innocent, though it sounded racist. It does show how important communication really is, and how fragile it is depending on the words used and in what context.