infilove wrote:
One thing that absolutely drives me nuts when trying to socialize with poeple is if your with a group of people (even worse people you don't really know well) and they talk about things you know absolutely nothing about. For example specific celebrity gossip, a singer you never heard of, a movie you haven't seen, or a topic you know nothing about and the whole entire group goes on and on about for several minutes and everyone is excitedly animated and a part of the whole conversation except for you and you feel left out. This drives me crazy sometimes! Does this strike a nerve and drive you crazy too?
Yes I know that feeling. Though I dont get crazy, more bored. And if I realise there is nobody I can talk to I start to feel very alone...
But it depends quite much on my mood, as well. Sometimes I can even find small talk amusing...
Right now I get confused because I am otherwise thinking a lot and I loose the contact quite often.
I mostly communicate in Finnish, which is not my mother tongue.
Usually I am quite good in that, but somehow I have lost something of it....
En jaksa aina taistella kun muuten voi olla jo todella hankala seurata vaikka äidinkielellä ihmisryhmien keskustelu jos on meteliä
That kind of stuff...