Drink. When I started my own group, we started out with the support group model and quickly had problems with monologues and negativity, so we went to more of a social group pattern. Things really took off when the group co-organizer and I both started cooking for the group and offering beer and wine at the meetings, nobody gets drunk or anything but the slight social lubrication really works wonders. As to what actually goes on, it's like a Star Trek convention collided with a MENSA chapter and decided to go out for drinks; it looks for all the world like the world's nerdiest cocktail party until you catch bits of all the extremely odd and specialized conversations going on. All meetings are not created equal however, I've been to some real draggers where one person just dominates the meeting with their endless tales of woe, and that's just no fun for anyone.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez