HereBeDragons wrote:
This is for people to feel good about themselves. NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED PLEASE!
What is a social skill success you've had? Big or small, it doesn't matter.
I'll get the ball rolling: I've mastered the ability to keep my arms and hands down at my sides. Formerlly clasped them in front of me in a nervous manner. Can also give them a natural-looking swing when I walk. Now working on eye-contact.
Not a success of mine but I had to share this;
There was this really nice, but "fat and weird" girl and there for deemed "socially unacceptable" by everyone on my school. (I made out with her at prom as I was leaving early and found her alone standing out front waiting to be picked up by her parents leaving early too.. I secretly had a crush on her for years but was so busy and tunnelvisioned in trying to fit in myself I think I couldn't risk it or something, how strange and evil that may sound.. anyway also I ended up walking home on my 2 sizes too big rented at the last moment shoes and started bleeding after about 300 feet and it hurt so much even the booze couldn't dampen it but that's another story.) A week orso ago I made a facebook account and had many years old requests. One of them was hers, so I had a look at her page and she lost a lot of weight and is reaaallly pretty now. Lots of pictures of her having fun in clubs and holidays with lots of cool looking people. She's way out of my league now. But I'm really happy for her blossoming from an odd duckling to a beautiful swan and that I can say I at least kissed her once. Sad of course I didn't realize before how stupid my own actions were. Story of my life it seems.