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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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11 Sep 2012, 1:19 pm

well ive found out something today which totaly confused me, theres this girl called charlie (quite attractive) i was seeing her friend for a while and it didnt really work out. anyway this girl has always been polite to me and i thought we got on well.
last weekend i went out with some friends to a local pub and ended up talking to a old friend and going to a party which another girl invited me too (we hooked up, bit of a drunken mistake i think though haha).
my old friend has a gf who is mates with charlie and ive met this girl before and belived we got on well.
both these girls were at the party and i had talked to them a few times and i persuaded them to get in the pool we were all in underwear too haha.
one of my friends told me today that this charlie had said that i was a creep in the pub before the party which has really confused me as she hasn't really shown signs of not liking me or so i thought.

this has all knocked me back a bit as i thought i was doing well atm and making friends. i wonder do alot of people see me as a creep? and what makes them think that?
it all kinda makes me want to stop socalizeing again and just focus on my hobbies.

does this happen to anyone else?
i have some good friends im going to ask them for there opinion and hopefully i can change as id like a decent social life it makes me feel better and not so alone and unwanted and hopefully it will increase my chance of finding a GF.


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12 Sep 2012, 5:03 am

As a female, I wonder whether you have touched Charlie and/or spent money on her. If yes, I'm sorry, but such acts sometimes come across as creepy. If no, let me tell you that you aren't at fault. You are probably too good for Charlie because she doesn't know how to appreciate your strengths.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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12 Sep 2012, 1:06 pm

nope i havent done anything like that with her tbh.
i think it could possibly be something her friend has said to her (one i was once involved with) as that ended badly from what i remember.
anyways im not going to dwell on it she isnt part of my life and i dont want her to be either.


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12 Sep 2012, 1:22 pm

She seems like the game-playing type to me.

Doesn't it ring a bell when you find people, who you'd expect would loathe the s**t out of you, end up liking you really much out of nowhere?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Sep 2012, 5:35 am

Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few people who really despise me. The way I deal with it? Yeah, kinda grinds my gears, but I think about it rationally instead of emotionally. Do I want the acceptance of people who think really negatively of me? And further more, do I want them to have power over me? Absolutely not. I try not to fan the flames with people like this, but after I've dealt with it and gotten over it, if they're anywhere near me or I just happen to see them, I make sure to let 'em know they don't bother me, I'm not afraid of them, their approval is the least of my concerns, and I'm doing good despite them. Have I been called or labeled a creep? Yeah, there's a lot of people who think that about me. I don't let that bother me too much either, I go back and try to think of what it is that gave them that impression, and usually figure out what it was I did wrong, and just don't repeat the behavior, usually I cut off contact with that person too as to avoid anymore drama. A lot less people in my life today think I'm a creep than at previously times in my life. Just looked at things objectively and now I got a pretty big list of the do's and don't's, and it's been improving as far as that. Most people who know me though know there's something not right about me. A lot of my friends (guys) get a paternal instinct with me, and girls get a maternal instinct with me. But for the most part I just really don't care what people think about me, they're gonna think it despite me. I don't want people to drag me down, then they win. Nothing destroys another person's sense of power better than them knowing they can't get to you and you don't care. Yeah, they might keep running their mouth, but if you appear to be completely apathetic to what people think about you, and are able to maintain that smile & good attitude, new people will come around, and then if you've found out what mistake you made, just don't repeat it and maybe it'll work out better. Don't let people get to you, look at all the positives in yourself and think, "I'm too good to let this person drag me down. Who are they to have any control over me?" That's how I stopped caring and started moving forward, ya know?

One love.


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16 Sep 2012, 9:15 am

nrgandy wrote:
this has all knocked me back a bit as i thought i was doing well atm and making friends. i wonder do alot of people see me as a creep? and what makes them think that?
it all kinda makes me want to stop socalizeing again and just focus on my hobbies.

Sounds to me like you're passing as neurotypical almost completely successfully and this girl just picked up on it, yet couldn't articulate what it was that was "creepy". It could be that she noticed you because she was interested in you, then noticed that you were hooking up with other girls (which wouldn't have made you less attractive to most girls) and then noticed some kind of small autistic thing that you don't realize you're doing. Like maybe you forgot to swing your arms when you were walking one day or maybe you don't like looking at faces. I don't know, but if someone watches another person long enough, they see all kinds of details.

I don't think you should focus on this too much. She sounds jealous to me and if that's true you're doing something right, don't you think?


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16 Sep 2012, 9:36 am

It's the customary thing to stay away from the friends of your ex and the reason is they're influenced against you by your ex (who had a closer relationship with you and therefore knows your quirks better than your friends). I bet Charlie is basing her opinion on her friend's confidences. It's a sad fact of AS that the closer we get to people, the more they discover our differences and can be "creeped" by them. I would've taken it for granted that Charlie would do that in the group. It's quite inevitable when you separate from someone and remain in the same group. I don't think it's very important, though. You're all young and restless and will forget quickly.

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16 Sep 2012, 8:17 pm

Moondust wrote:
It's the customary thing to stay away from the friends of your ex and the reason is they're influenced against you by your ex (who had a closer relationship with you and therefore knows your quirks better than your friends). I bet Charlie is basing her opinion on her friend's confidences. It's a sad fact of AS that the closer we get to people, the more they discover our differences and can be "creeped" by them. I would've taken it for granted that Charlie would do that in the group. It's quite inevitable when you separate from someone and remain in the same group. I don't think it's very important, though. You're all young and restless and will forget quickly.

Yes, stay away from the friends of your ex. You will cause untold heartbreak and jealousy if you go out with an ex's best friend. In the end the girls will all rally against you.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Sep 2012, 4:26 pm

i think it could be a mix of shes spotted my oddities and what her friend has said.
that was a while ive now made a concious decision to change which i think im doing well (just slowly).
I'm just sick of being lonely but i hope if i stick at it i can change for the better.