Just this post, because it could be helpful to others, and then I'll be quiet, as I am really busy. Studying seems to be one of my fascinations
Friendship is one area where I've felt more like the average person, sometimes uncomfrtable but not always a lot, like maybe I don't have AS. But, let me see if it strikes a chord anyway. How many of you ever tried "copying" a fictional character? Because I'm also overly sensitive to others in certain ways, and I just wonder if this ever worked for you; it has for me. Of course, maybe some with AS are more able to do this than others.
I always seemed to be able to attract friends and keep them b/c we had the same interests; and it's true that the loss of one of my best friends who stopped being interested over time in video games and board games, thought the Abbott and Cotello type humor of a couple other friends and I was just "something dumb", and just didn't believe in being wholesome - I will never drink or swear, he thought it was okay to curse and such - and make fun of my conservative views when he got to college.
But, I was able to get to know him b/c back in grade school we did what I termed "weirdness" with just silly humor, etc., and I just felt like, "This is a friendship like Charlie Brown and Linus have."
See, I copied Charlie Brown when it came to friendship, b/c I could read from age 3, and so grew up always thinking, "Well, this is a kid I feel like I identify with, if I just do what he does in situations I'll be okay." After a couple years on the playground of not fitting in, bit by bit another girl, Angela, got me to feel comfortable by playingt with me even when my play was, well, eccentric (made-up words, silly songs, imaginary friends till I was 8 or so.) However, I always felt like I would just take things like CB would
This included blurting out to my friend, Bob at a school assembly, that I was going to marry Angela, one day, so everyone could hear.
(Yes, she later told me she liked me, too. Sadly, she moved away in 5th grade, though she is doing well now and we are both strong in faith that we'll meet again in Heaven; I stil pray for her.) And yet, I liked her enough that I said if she didn't marry me, I'd choose someone else. Becasue I cared about her, but also, I think I figured it's what CB would have done.
I think the thing that hurt the most was this friend and another from high school "few up" while I stayed like a kid in some ways, enjoying some cartoons, liking the games we'd play when in Junior High or grade school, the Mad Libs we'd do, and so on. So, perhaps part of me did become too emotionally attached and felt hurt by growing more distant. I had a handful of friends in college who were close, but not many in law school, just one really; and he'd been int he same college as I (he was getting a Masters) and always seemed to understand me because his brother is likely mildly autistic or at least an Aspie.
So, I've been lucky, I guess - not many problems overall. I now have good friends, we've laughed and told silly yet clean jokes and just had fun watching football or playing board games or something for years,and I felt comfortble with them fromt he start. I've always loved hanging around them.
But, it took 4-5 years to really feel comfortable opening up to them about feelings, etc.. I gues with me, it just sort of felt like what my friends and I had done in grade school - wholesome, funny humor, without a tinge of swearing or inneuendo or anything. So, I guess I continue, in a way, to do what CB and a few other fictional characters I really like would do, though I do feel some attachment to my friends it's a little harder at times.
SOrry to ramble so much, and I know withs ome of you, it might be hard to deduce what a charlie Brown would do, for instance, in somesituations. Maybe that's where the spectrum thing comes in, and if I do have it, I'm just higher up ont he spectrum than some.