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19 Oct 2012, 12:40 pm

Are there any aspies here who are also Freemasons? I was just made an EA the other night and would love to know some other masons on here. No, we are not Illuminati/New World Order/Bilderburg/whatever conspiracy is in right now. Mostly we wear funny hats and have spaghetti dinners for charity.

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19 Oct 2012, 3:06 pm

I am not a mason but I am very interested in the symbolism and history of masonry. I definitely do think it has a darker side. I guess it would seem like a nice social club but until the mason reaches the highest degree they will not know what is actually going on.


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19 Oct 2012, 3:54 pm

chiastic_slide wrote:
I am not a mason but I am very interested in the symbolism and history of masonry. I definitely do think it has a darker side. I guess it would seem like a nice social club but until the mason reaches the highest degree they will not know what is actually going on.

Yep. Masonry seems to be dangerous stuff. ... P7bT7TnbUJ ... ord-mother

The biggest thing I see about Freemasonry is it's connection to Jewish Kabbalah mysticism, which I believe is very much demonic. The connection is almost undeniable. Some Masons try to deny it, but my local lodge hosted a lodge of instruction regarding Kabbalah. ... ction.html

So, the religious aspect (Freemasonry does indeed seem to be a religion) of Freemasonry is one thing, but the other aspect is networking. It seems unlikely there is an actual vast network of "Illuminati" or whatever. But here's how I believe Freemasonry and associated groups can become nefarious. You get people to join a Masonic lodge, generally people who have money/power. People like police officers, judges, etc. Then let's say you are a Freemason, and your neighbor gets you mad, it's quite easy to get a police officer to get him in trouble somehow, plant drugs on him or something like that, basically set him up. Now, if the cop is a Freemason, and the judge is a Freemason, and the defendant is not a Freemason, and Freemasons are obligated to protect their own, see where I'm going here?

Well, be careful I guess, you're playing with fire.

Last edited by 1000Knives on 19 Oct 2012, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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19 Oct 2012, 4:45 pm

From whence came you?


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19 Oct 2012, 11:36 pm

I've known a few masons, they were all very honest and charitable people.


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19 Oct 2012, 11:48 pm

Funny thing about secrets, people always assume the worst when you have them. Like the very fact that you HAVE a secret implies something nefarious. But everyone has them. I don't tell people my PIN, KFC doesn't reveal their secret herbs and spices, and freemasons don't tell you their secret handshake. Secrets don't make us evil. Besides, if the world were really run by a cabal of 33 degree masons, don't you think it'd run a bit smoother than it does?

Fnord, I'll answer that once I know you didn't just look that up on Google.

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20 Oct 2012, 12:34 am

My Dad is a Master Mason. I was always jealous that women couldn't join in when I was a kid. hahaha


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20 Oct 2012, 11:05 am

My Uncle Louie was Scottish Rite. Isn't that the Blue Lodge? I don't know what degree he was. He used to talk about all the secrets with my grandfather (his brother) while they were drinking on the porch.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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21 Oct 2012, 1:08 pm

Blue Lodge actually refers to regular lodges with the three degrees, while appendant groups, like Shriners or Scottish Rite, have their own, additional degrees. Not HIGHER, just additional. It looks like there are no freemasons showing up yet, but hopefully an aspie who is will search on here and find this thread. If any aspie men here who believe in a higher power are looking for an organization to be part of to become better men, you can't do better than masonry. Sorry atheists and women, there are other organizations that will take you, but not this one.

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21 Oct 2012, 1:29 pm

My dad is, haven't the faintest idea what degree.

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21 Oct 2012, 3:22 pm

My husband is a Knight of Columbus. Kind of like Masons, except for Catholics. Swords and plumed hats.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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21 Oct 2012, 4:09 pm

sacrip wrote:
KFC doesn't reveal their secret herbs and spices

There's probably a sinister reason for that..


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23 Oct 2012, 5:55 am

OliveOilMom wrote:
My husband is a Knight of Columbus. Kind of like Masons, except for Catholics. Swords and plumed hats.

But I don't think the K of C has any influence like the Masons do. They do a lot of charity work like visit seniors in nursing home and sell candy to send kids to the circus (which I never enjoyed when I was a kid). Also they sell the kind of life insurance that Suze Orman and Consumer Reports don't like. I actually am a Knight of Columbus but I don't do much. My gripe with them is they are very "family oriented" and if you are a single guy with no kids, you don't fit in.

Being Catholic, I thought the Masons were a labor union for concrete workers. Can't believe I was so naive.


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23 Oct 2012, 9:45 am

sacrip wrote:
Blue Lodge actually refers to regular lodges with the three degrees, while appendant groups, like Shriners or Scottish Rite, have their own, additional degrees. Not HIGHER, just additional. It looks like there are no freemasons showing up yet, but hopefully an aspie who is will search on here and find this thread. If any aspie men here who believe in a higher power are looking for an organization to be part of to become better men, you can't do better than masonry. Sorry atheists and women, there are other organizations that will take you, but not this one.

What about pastafarians? The noodle beckons yuuu!

No women? Oh, I bet you have loads of gay sex, mmm! :lol:


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23 Oct 2012, 1:30 pm

Mootoo wrote:
sacrip wrote:
Blue Lodge actually refers to regular lodges with the three degrees, while appendant groups, like Shriners or Scottish Rite, have their own, additional degrees. Not HIGHER, just additional. It looks like there are no freemasons showing up yet, but hopefully an aspie who is will search on here and find this thread. If any aspie men here who believe in a higher power are looking for an organization to be part of to become better men, you can't do better than masonry. Sorry atheists and women, there are other organizations that will take you, but not this one.

What about pastafarians? The noodle beckons yuuu!

No women? Oh, I bet you have loads of gay sex, mmm! :lol:

Women join the Order of the Eastern Star I believe.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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23 Oct 2012, 2:25 pm

I believe that there may be only one WP member in this thread who is really a Free & Accepted Mason.