Descartes wrote:
I'm quite the opposite. I'm an aspie male who prefers the company of other men. That doesn't mean I don't like talking to women, it's just that I have an easier time with men. It could be because I'm gay and am pretty man-hungry a lot.

That's funny because I'm gay(ish?) and I'm the opposite of you even though I'm rather "man hungry", as you say.
I typically have always gravitated towards females for company because they've traditionally been nicer to me than males. Also, as someone said previously, woman are much easier to read emotionally (their faces are like open books to me), unlike males who tend to not have any emotions when I speak with them which always makes me think they are mad at me or that they do not like me. Also, the types of conversations me and women enjoy vary greatly, so that may also affect the gender you are more gravitated to.
And the last thing I have to say about this is that you may want to consider the person's age when you talk with them. Maybe you are turned off from speaking to males because the males your age discuss things that you simply aren't interested in, in which case don't be afraid to consider talking with someone older such as a valued teacher/professor or a considerate religious leader.
Hopefully that helps!