I'm 27, and it's got to the point where people actually register shock when they find out how old I am. I think it's a combination of things. Firstly, I've been told I have a baby face which I suppose I can't really do anything about. But it's compounded by the fact that my voice and mannerisms are somewhat childish. Then, there's also the fact that I don't like to talk about things 'typical' for a 27 year old, eg. work, relationships, kids, age appropriate tv shows (whatever they are). If I talk at all, it's usually about the Simpsons, Anglo-Saxon history or the Bible. So, it happens quite frequently that I'll be talking to someone and when they find out how old I am, they make a huge deal about it, and say something like 'I can't believe you're 27, I thought you were so much younger!' To be honest, it's embarrassing, especially as it now happens every time I mention my age. I could put up with it when I was 22 and people thought I was 16. But some people still think I'm 16-18, approximately 10 years younger than I actually am. I don't particularly want to be 27, either, so it's a hard reminder of my real age (I forget a lot of the time!).
So, just wondering if that happens to anyone else - do people think you are younger than you really are?