I went on the Disney Cruise over the summer, which was a lot of fun, but there was one thing that bothered me. I was finally old enough for the teen club and one of my brother's friends ended booking the same cruise as us. She go to the teen club everyday, because she didn't want to spend time with her parents. My parents and my older brother kept trying to convince me to go to the club, but I was too scared. One night, they had ice breakers at the club, that I decided to go to since my brother's friends were going. They said they would wait for me and we would go up together, but they didn't, they went up on their own. I walked up the stairs and all I see is a huge group of teens, cramped in a small room, all yelling and talking. Now, I can actually socialize pretty well, but when I saw everyone in that room, I freaked out. I ended up running down the stairs and went back to my room. A few days later, I build the courage and went up to hang out with my brother and his friends. I have to tell you, for a teen social club, nobody is social! Seriously, everyone was sitting doing different things (video games, watching TV, drinking soda), but no one was talking! Then, I played a card game with a group of girls, which would had been fun, if the girls weren't so annoying! Every time one of the girls won a round, they would all scream. Even one of the workers would look at these girls as if she was thinking "What the hell is wrong with them?" Despite these girls being annoying, my brother's friend wanted to hang out with them (she is REALLY immature for a 17-year-old) and my brother just joined the crowd. I left, but I couldn't even spend time with my parents, since they were at a meeting for just adults. I was alone, I ended up going back to my room and crying from my loneliness.
Would you guys be uncomfortable in a teen social club?