chessimprov wrote:
to me emotional reciprocity would be the idea of that if someone treats you a certain way, that you appreciate and give those people the same kind of respect, dignity, and generosity they gave you.
I think it also includes the other way around - when someone is mean to you, you do something nasty back.
I don't really like the idea of reciprocity that much. It creates obligations. Like people send me cards for my birthday and then expect me to send them cards too. And revenge is completely horrible.
As for the emotional part: I almost always cry when I see others cry. I am very good at comforting young children but not adults. Although online I'm not so bad.
I did consciously teach myself to touch people when they seem sad or upset or in pain. I find it awkward to do,and sometimes I cannot bring myself to do it, but once it's done it's not so bad - a lot of people react surprisingly strongly,and mostly positive when you touch them, which is nice, and also quite interesting. :p