nintendogurl1990 wrote:
I'm having problems with friends. See, last year I wanted to be friends with these 3 girls at school but they just ignored me. When they finally responded to me they said they didn't f***ing like me. Recently I wanted to get together with an old friend, but she started ignoring me too. I asked her why she was ignoring my messages and she blocked me on Facebook. I was devastated both times, but I've gotten over those 3 girls. I don't feel like I can trust anyone anymore. They all seem to turn their backs on me. What should I do? Should I just stay isolated to myself?
I'd be glad not to be friends with anyone who said they didn't "f#cking" like me. There are some people in the world I am too good to be friends with, and there are some people in the world you are too good to be friends with, and you are too good to be friends with them.
I don't know why your old friend blocked you, but I really don't think your problem is one of a matter of you being too trustful.
It's likely a matter of you not picking up on social cues, or giving off the right social cues. What you need to do is be more aware that you have difficulty doing this and make a conscious effort to be more attentive in social situations. It also helps to stay away from the popular "in" crowds and socialize with people who are more secure with themselves and in their interests.
Honestly someone who would say they don't "f#cking" like another person, directly too them has some serious issues and if I were those girls parents I would be mortified such a thing came out of my daughter's mouth.