Making "bad" friends, learn to con NT's LEGALLY!!

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15 Jan 2013, 11:24 pm

I guess the title says it all. I don't really mean losers, but people who tend to live on the edge. Maybe ship *stuff* from Mexico to Texas. But I live in an upper-middle class bubble so no idea even where to look. Maybe Fast & Furious types.

I was in the military, will soon be a lawyer, and overall have a lot to offer certain members of society. I remember form my days in the military I had all sorts of friends from this demographic who taught me a lot of practical skills and street smarts. That was the first time in my life I had a good group of friends. But I have no idea where to meet such people in the civilian world.[b]

Last edited by Tyri0n on 16 Jan 2013, 12:51 am, edited 4 times in total.


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15 Jan 2013, 11:47 pm

To paraphrase True Romance: These are guys you don't know. And more importantly, they don't know YOU.
Start hanging out at a dive bar where people wander in and sell random stuff. Where there are crack/meth-heads, there are schemers. Be prepared to slowly build relationships with shady people who are almost certainly laughing at you behind your back and loving it when they can manipulate you out of money or put you in a tight spot.
Keep in mind that if you get convicted on a felony charge (and even some misdemeanors), all your hard work to become a lawyer will likely be for naught. You'll have to defend yourself in front of a committee who will judge your "character" and "fitness". It's apparently unpleasant.

ETfix: damn misspellings


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16 Jan 2013, 12:16 am

cozysweater wrote:
To paraphrase True Romance: These are guys you don't know. And more importantly, they don't know YOU.
Start hanging out at a dive bar where people wander in and sell random stuff. Where there are crack/meth-heads, there are schemers. Be prepared to slowly build relationships with shady people who are almost certainly laughing at you behind your back and loving it when they can manipulate you out of money or put you in a tight spot.
Keep in mind that if you get convicted on a felony charge (and even some misdemeanors), all your hard work to become a lawyer will likely be for naught. You'll have to defend yourself in front of a committee who will judge your "character" and "fitness". It's apparently unpleasant.

ETfix: damn misspellings

Not really, I'm not that naive. I've lived successfully in third world countries. And I'm not looking to do any illegal activity, just to get out of my white upper middle class bubble -- an environment in which I wasn't raised and don't belong.

My biggest social barrier is appearing unpersonable, not being naive.


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16 Jan 2013, 12:26 am

In other words, you want to make friends with gangsters, drug dealers, hitmen, and all-around unsavory characters? I have to wonder, why exactly? Unless you want to wind up either dead, in prison, or hooked on drugs, it's probably not the best life decision to make lol.


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16 Jan 2013, 12:29 am

Stargazer43 wrote:
In other words, you want to make friends with gangsters, drug dealers, hitmen, and all-around unsavory characters? I have to wonder, why exactly? Unless you want to wind up either dead, in prison, or hooked on drugs, it's probably not the best life decision to make lol.

I think learning street smarts from those who know them could be useful for someone with my condition. I know enough not to get hurt, but getting really good could probably improve other areas of my life.

For example, I could learn to con NT's into thinking that I am NT and just like them. It's an interesting thought. How exactly does one learn conning skills? Con man could be like a role I play in order to seem NT. I think it's one I could potentially be good at. People have a hard time reading me now and make all sorts of incorrect assumptions about me; if I could learn how to manipulate this to my advantage, I'd have a wonderful life. Anyway, having a specific GOAL -- or role-- to play would make learning NT skills much easier. As someone with HFA, I tend to think in terms of goals and concrete definitions, not abstract terms like "normal" so I think con man role playing could really help me learn to speak NT better.

I think making shady friends would give me a way to concretize and conceptualize what I already do, just badly. And, once I become a lawyer, I could help them out too, hopefully with just informal "business" advice.

Look, if I could spend just a month with someone like Neal Cafry or the Fast Five people (or their less glamorous real-life equivalents), I think it would be worth decades of autism therapy, just as my two years in the military were.

FYI - I am not going to ever get "hooked on drugs." I have tried several of them once (marijuana and cocaine only), and they all just make me sick, no "high" whatsoever. As with sex, my autism makes me 100% immune to the effects of all drugs, so I have no desire to do them.


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16 Jan 2013, 1:07 am

Tyri0n wrote:
Not really, I'm not that naive. I've lived successfully in third world countries. And I'm not looking to do any illegal activity, just to get out of my white upper middle class bubble -- an environment in which I wasn't raised and don't belong.

My biggest social barrier is appearing unpersonable, not being naive.

So you use the sources you already have. Get in touch with your super-tight-BFF military buddies. Are you willing to move? Figure out which one/s are most agreeable and move near then. Hopefully they will live in a state that also has an agreeable bar exam.
Or just stop being upper middle class (sorry, you'll probably always be white). But don't worry, without money or a decent house/car/suit of clothes that pesky bubble will magically disappear.


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16 Jan 2013, 1:12 am

cozysweater wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Not really, I'm not that naive. I've lived successfully in third world countries. And I'm not looking to do any illegal activity, just to get out of my white upper middle class bubble -- an environment in which I wasn't raised and don't belong.

My biggest social barrier is appearing unpersonable, not being naive.

So you use the sources you already have. Get in touch with your super-tight-BFF military buddies. Are you willing to move? Figure out which one/s are most agreeable and move near then. Hopefully they will live in a state that also has an agreeable bar exam.
Or just stop being upper middle class (sorry, you'll probably always be white). But don't worry, without money or a decent house/car/suit of clothes that pesky bubble will magically disappear.

Well it might eventually. But financially I'm doing pretty good for myself at the moment, bagging a middle class living just going to school and working a super easy part-time job when most of my classmates are racking up six figures in debt. So, I probably have natural talent for conning. I just need it to be developed. I'm probably going to be able to throw SSI on this soon since I was privileged to get an autism diagnosis that wasn't Aspergers.

I'm just more concerned I won't be able to progress in my career without conning skills.

i am pretty much stuck in Austin for now and probably in D.C. or Austin afterwards. I don't know anyone like that in either place.

It's always been my dream to be a powerful person and a millionaire. Shallow, I know, but I'm a superficial person and not ashamed of it. I just need to learn enough EQ or conning skills to get me there because, these days, EQ seems to matter much more than IQ, and my EQ is nearly zero.

Being able to manipulate other people would be a great skill to have. Sadly, I am not even close to having it. I think that's more about learning style than ability. I don't learn unless things are laid out for me logically and globally. Then, I can pick up extras from my environment like "normal" people learn. But I can't really learn from my environment if I don't have a framework in place to begin with.

As autistics, it's not that we're incapable of executing social skills, it's just that the way the rest of the world learns is not adapted to our learning style; if we could learn our way, we'd be as good as any and probably better. When I can't follow along in class, I just take my notes and my book to a quiet place and teach myself; unfortunately, one can't do the same with social skills. It requires a no-B.S. teacher who finds you amusing and finds you have something to offer. Such training cannot occur from nice people. Nice people--especially liberals and moderate Republicans--are as full of BS as an organic tomato field in California.

If I could learn social skills according to my learning style, just as I learn academics according to my learning style, I'd be a master by now, just as I am top of the class in law school.

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18 Jan 2013, 2:39 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
How exactly does one learn conning skills?

By becoming a lawyer! :lol: :twisted:

Tyri0n wrote:
my autism makes me 100% immune to the effects of all drugs

Including alcohol?


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19 Jan 2013, 4:32 pm

OMG you are going about this in the strangest way. I'm a NT sociologist researching the sociology of autism. What I'm interested in is autistic identity and how autistic people pass as neurotypical and have to use NT social skills which are unnatural to them.

I understand what you're saying, but I think it would be so much easier to look this up academically rather than to hang about in a chop shop. ;) I'm still in the identity formation part of my research, so I don't have that much to offer you right now. But what I'm intending to look at in regards to passing is light-skinned Black people who pass as White, transgender people, and gay people who are in the closet.

If you want to find out HOW to do things to blend in, I would suggest reading Erving Goffman's books about symbolic interactionism. He explains at a minute level what people do socially, why they do it, and what it means if you fail to perform the social act. For example, what it means if one fails to pay attention to another person if he or she is speaking in conversation and what the speaker will tend to do after the listener has failed in his or her role. You are obviously bright, so you shouldn't have a problem reading these books even though they are meant for sociologists.

You should start with "The Presentation of Self In Everyday Life" and "Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity"

The latter is about what happens if you have been identified as an "other" in society.