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14 Jan 2013, 8:11 pm

I havent gotten one A since 1st semester of grade 9, when I had all d's except for one c and A. 2nd semester I failed everything except for health,where I got a D. 10th grade 1st semester barely passed everything except for failing Alg. 2.
2nd semester dropped English and failed Alg.2 yet again. Barely passed the other classes (btw 2 of them are freaking resource rooms)
Thankfully almost finished puberty/childhood( like 2 years late lol) and I don't need the building as some sort of secure base.
I am not just complaining, I mean I know people obviously develop identities related to school without being attached like little kids (remember were in like 10th grade), its just that I could be so much more productive if I weren't stuck with school.

I reckon if I could get a crappy job, I could pay for things like driver's ed or a guitar which I've been hurting, and also online classes.

Sure as hell not getting into college with grades like this.
Still failing at the end of this semester, sadly.

"I watched a change in you, It's like you never had wings, now you feel so alive"


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14 Jan 2013, 8:26 pm

Employers are morons, they see that you have a Highschool Diploma and say to themselves "Hey, if this guy can stick in there for a few years of schooling, maybe they'll put up with my BS job! Hired!". I know a man who can't even read, got his Highschool Diploma, has a job. I however do not, I have a G.E.D. and some certifications in computers. Been trying to find my first job since I was 15, 23 now, have only ever worked as a farm hand paid under the table, or did general labor.

Sure, highschool blows, you probably wish everyone in there would just die, but get it and it'll make your chances of getting a job much higher and your future self will love you.


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14 Jan 2013, 8:47 pm

Tsproggy wrote:
Employers are morons, they see that you have a Highschool Diploma and say to themselves "Hey, if this guy can stick in there for a few years of schooling, maybe they'll put up with my BS job! Hired!". I know a man who can't even read, got his Highschool Diploma, has a job. I however do not, I have a G.E.D. and some certifications in computers. Been trying to find my first job since I was 15, 23 now, have only ever worked as a farm hand paid under the table, or did general labor.

Sure, highschool blows, you probably wish everyone in there would just die, but get it and it'll make your chances of getting a job much higher and your future self will love you.

I see your point, but I was thinking maybe night and summer school, paid for by working @Dolly's Pizza or MCDonald's or something.

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14 Jan 2013, 8:56 pm

It really, really doesn't feel like it is sometimes.


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14 Jan 2013, 10:42 pm

I had to go to school to become a nurse to make money to pay the rent. If I didn't I'd be homeless on the street. Of course, I ended up homeless on the street many times anyway, but that's beside the point.

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15 Jan 2013, 12:16 am

I suppose its all based on what you want to do in life. I am joining the army after college/university, and then (after a few years) will either become an officer or join a policing career. If I dropped out of high school or failed at college I would hate myself. People that aren't able to stay in school and get a proper education are (in my eyes) failures. That being said, we'll always need people to flip our burgers or mop floors, so there's that.


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15 Jan 2013, 8:14 pm

What exactly is the problem with school? Is it concentration? Not caring? Stupid teachers? Stupid classmates? Not understanding the subjects? I know it sucks but I'm sure there's a way to fix it so your academic life is more tolerable.

You might do great in community college, where you can choose a lot of your subjects. No one really cares about your HS grades in community college and then it's like a blank slate for a four year college. From there you can choose to study something that's actually interesting to you.

The world is not a friendly place for an aspie with no education. People my age and older (30s and older) can sometimes be very successful without a formal education because of their experience, but younger people are not often given the same chance. It's worth it to find a way to make the educational system work for you. There's always something that's worth studying.