Daniel. 16/M/LA. A bit of an intro...
I value first impressions. As such, this is a bit of an essay. So I'm putting a TL:DR at the beginning and end.
*TL:DR I'm a Godzilla fan, freelance writer, Photoshop master, PC Gamer, Minecrafter, Gaming YouTuber, Nintendo Fanboy, video editor, sound mixer, and devout music listener as hobbies. I'd like some buddies. Bonus points if female. But really, read this thing. I made it long for good reason.*
So...name's Daniel. I live...somewhere in a remote part of LA, and I'm a 16-year old maniac. My favorite movie is Interstellar. I like chicken. And I hate random, arbitrary points like the two I just brought up. Seriously, why do people deliberately ask questions and say things neither person cares for? I'll never get it.
Anyway, I've mastered Photoshop CS6 after about ten years of work with it, and if nothing else, I could hook you guys up with any designs or...things you'd want me to make. As long as it's SFW/SFS.
I'm an every-few-days active YouTuber with a primary focus on gaming videos, as well as special attention to making content that's unique; hasn't been seen or done before. To give you an idea of my channel in a nutshell, here's the "Best of Everything" Montage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3uDl9Mc2uM
I'm quite a bit of a gamer too. Minecraft is the second-best thing I've ever played, and it would EASILY be number one if you didn't have to mod it to the potential I use it at. But my favorite game of all time is a three-way tie between The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, PlanetSide 2, and Grand Theft Auto V. Feels like cheating to put three games on top at once, but putting any one game higher would be too painful for me. My primary platform is my high-end Gaming PC, and if you want to, add me on steam @ godzillaclubking.
I have extremely sensitive ears, and my tastes in music are extremely distinctive. I only appreciate music that doesn't have lyrics, and is capable of inciting intense emotion exclusively from the instrumentals. I suppose that my current life is so boring that I hobby playing any one of my favorite songs, closing my eyes, and whisking myself away. To give you an idea of what I mean, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2UtxjUdZQA
As far as personality goes, I'm an extremely consistent and logical person. I'm a well-trained public speaker and debater. I'm an atheist, but I really don't care at all what religion you are. I don't let religion (or lack thereof) get to my head, and I respect those who do the same.
I love to write creatively and dramatically, and have always had a natural proclivity for vocabulary and high English ability in general. I tend to write stream-of-consciousness with little to no prewriting, and it works for me. However, the result tends to be long, rambling essays not dramatically different from this one.
Anyway, enough about me! How about the people I'm looking for:
I'm a guy of extremes. My ideal person would either be someone so ridiculously similar to me that we're practically twins with different gender, OR someone so insanely far AWAY from my personality that getting along is initially inconceivable. I suggest this because it's nice to have people you know and understand, but in a way it's nicer to be challenged. Instead of emphasizing your strength, emphasizing your weaknesses. Opposites attract, essentially. That's what I'm getting at.
But no matter how similar or different you are to me, living in Los Angeles would be a huge help. For the rather obvious reason that long-distance rarely works. I would gladly show my Facebook, Skype, email, etc. here for you guys to see, but apparently that'll get me banned. So...message me! Leave a comment maybe. I want people to talk to, at the very least. A person to love at the very most.
- Daniel
*TL:DR I'm a Godzilla fan, freelance writer, Photoshop master, PC Gamer, Minecrafter, Gaming YouTuber, Nintendo Fanboy, video editor, sound mixer, and devout music listener as hobbies. I'd like some buddies. Bonus points if female. But really, read this thing. I made it long for good reason.*
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