Janissy wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
. She was like "You always come in for coffee now that it's 25c, but you never came in before when it was a dollar and change." And she also said "I'm gonna ban you from coming in." I don't know if she was joking. So I'll probably continue to get 25c coffee.
She obviously disagrees with this promotion and wishes Burger King had added the caveat, "Coffee 25 cents with any purchase of $1.00 or more" or perhaps "Buy one cup and your second cup is 25 cents.". But they didn't. She must uphold the promotion they actually created and not the one she wishes they had created. Keep on buying the cheap coffee with no worries.
Too bad, thats life with a franchise, if its not working for you give it up and go independent, meny do just that.
If you complain to HQ through e-mail you might get a gift card or something, my mom got $50 card to a chain resturarnt becouse the manager at the local franchise blew off a legitiment concern about health and safety that caused injory. These guys don't like lawsuits you know.