I do think that aspies are sometimes better off by befriending the opposite sex. Since we're often the "beta" of our genders we get targeted by people of the same sex in different ways. Whereas if your a female aspie, you might already be kinda a tomboy and get along with guys better. If your kinda naive, guys will just think, "shes a girl she doesnt know any better". If your a male aspie, females might be more sympathetic towards you. Same thing, "hes a guy, guys are dumb".
Well I guess there are some disadvantageous too like developing feelings and thinking "No that's not right" and not understanding every problem they might have cause I'm a different gender. Well I don't know really maybe when I go off to high school maybe 95% of my friends should just be girls.
Your really young so perhaps you havent quite reached the full fledged liking each other thing. Because I had no friends in middle school, I dont know how the social dynamics are. Im thinking that people are still rather shy about having feelings for the opposite sex. When you get older, we're still kinda shy but it becomes an incredibly common notion that people are always having feelings for each other. I can tell you that once you reach the point we're all those feelings are there, they can interfere very easily with friendships. You sound like the kinda guy who girls are likely gonna trust.