So here's the situation. A friend of mine pointed out someone from our school (neither of us know her at all, really- she was in one of my classes last year, and we spoke occasionally, though) had posted a FB status that read, "**** **** is my prom date. The aspiest prom you know, coming soon to a place near you." I knew the prom date was an aspie, so the implication of "aspiest prom you know" was, I thought, that they were both aspies. So I send her a message on FB that read, "Hey, sorry, I don't really know you, but someone pointed out to me one of your recent statuses. In it you used the term aspie. Not many people outside of the autism community know that word. I have to ask, are you an aspie, too? Sorry if this question is too personal, I just thought since you posted it on FB it wasn't meant to be confidential." Is that okay? Either way she responds, it'll be a nice opportunity for me to make a new friend.