Novastorm wrote:
I couldn't agree more. However, being very very strictly raised with physical punishments, I've been forced to learn these meaningless phrases the Neurotypicals call politeness. What I have learned all my life is that so many NTs are liars and fakes. I have met so very few ppl that actually mean what they say, especially when offering help, I don't trust anyone anymore. And on the other end I still struggle to anser the"how are you" questions with a simple "good" (which is a lie - but one that we are supposed to use without discomfort). I'd like to say to all NTs:
Never ask someone how they are if you do not want a truthful answer or is ready to listen to one.
Never offer to help or assist when you are not ready to actually do so.
Never express sympathy or offer to listen when you are not at all feeling it or willing to actually do so.
Never say that you care when you do not.
Never say that you are there for someone when in reality you will not give them the time of your day.
Bet you can add to this list

I guess I'm okay with people bullshitting about these responses. I get it. It's like, they want to be nice, but they believe that there is some unspoken rule that neither party expects much, and it's more symbolic. I would be curious if any aspirs ask these questions in small talk, and in the spirit of literalness, we will either not saya thing, or back up what we say. If I ask how someone's day is, and they lay on me some heavy s**t. I'm obligated to try to help out.
?Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.?