Where did everyone else learn about make-up and stuff? help

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Emu Egg
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02 Jan 2012, 7:12 pm

I am 28 years old now and I never really learned about putting on make-up and stuff.
I know a little bit, like putting on mascara but I always felt insecure and worried that I'm doing it the wrong way...

where did everyone else learn to do this?

I never had any female friends when i was younger and I guess that is why I never learned to do it properly (that and a lack of interest).

Is there anywhere you can learn to do this?

or is it someone here who could help me?

I feel embarrassed to ask in real life because i feel like I should know this by now.
(Other people think it's important even if I don't).



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02 Jan 2012, 7:22 pm

magazines. or google it and look on youtube for tutorials

or if you dont want to wear it then just dont

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02 Jan 2012, 7:57 pm

nowere did i learn to put on makeup.
i dont wear it to this day.
i think black eyelashes look tacky.
i think colorful lipstick looks cheap.
i think blush looks fake
and eyeshadow...dont even get me started.
but everyone is diffrent so
if you want to wear makeup just put it on.
if you dont or it makes you feel uncomfortabel...


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02 Jan 2012, 8:56 pm

Magazines, and now yes, you can get YouTube tutorials.

If you're feeling brave, then you can get a free tutorial from a make-up counter in a department store. I did that before my wedding. I chose the assistant who was least "made-up" looking, and explained that I didn't usually wear make-up so was looking for guidance about how to apply it as well as what would suit me best. She was very helpful, and helped me choose make-up that made me look like a healthier and smarter version of me, and gave me lots of tips about how to put the make-up on. It was definitely worth plucking up the courage to do that.

Edited to add: and if you don't want to wear it then you shouldn't feel you need to. But I do understand it's good to know how if you do want to, or just from time to time. I wear make-up very occasionally for more formal occasions - a little just to make me look more together for job interviews for example.


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06 Jan 2012, 10:11 pm

nowadays watching youtube is the best way. There are also lots of beauty blogs with product reviews and tutorials. I'm self taught and for me there was a lot of trial and error. It took awhile to get the hang of it. Practice at home! There is no need for a full makeup so just start with an eyeliner and mascara then once you get comfortable move onto applying foundations, lipsticks, eye shadows, etc.


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06 Jan 2012, 10:23 pm

Sometimes I put eyeliner on but other then that I don't bother with it. I guess I don't see any reason to.

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07 Jan 2012, 2:27 am

Haha same here. I'm pretty awkward with makeup, and I've never owned makeup or used them on my own before. Lucky for me though, I have a band of sisters who are really girly and I only ever wear makeup when I'm with them on formal/special occasions because they do it for me. :)

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07 Jan 2012, 5:23 pm

I don't think I really learnt. I sometimes put a line of eye liner on my top lid. Once in the blue moon. My aunty did make up for me once so I just remembered what she did and put on a similar shade, in the same order she did, with mascara.

You should be able to go into beauty shops where they have little stands where you can put on some makeup for you to convince you to buy it. I went with my older sister once and asked the woman to make me beautiful! (Then explained I knew nothing about foundation and wanted something light and easy.) She tried a few things on my face, showed me the product and all 3 of us decided which one suited me and my sister got it me.
You could always just say that you will have a think about it and leave, then you will have experienced them putting the make up on you, and can attempt it later yourself when you've got the stuff.

Other than that I look at other peoples make up and if there's anything I like I try to figure out if it would work with my face or skin tone, and just try it out.

If you're embarrassed, just say you never needed to wear make up before. (It implies you were confident enough about how you look to not bother with caking your face in make up, and sometimes gets a chuckle out of people. hehe Then they can't laugh at you, because you've already made light of the situation.)


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07 Jan 2012, 6:02 pm

I went to the modern version of charm school as a teenager. One of those modeling schools. It was called that but it taught makeup, hair, posture, carriage, manners, etc. Yes, they did the obligatory photo shoots and the end of term fashion show, but it was basically charm school. I needed it really badly.

Also, on YouTube, LisaFreemontStreet has a channel full of makeup and hair tutorials. It's mainly stuff from the 40's and 50's but it still looks good today. You can type in makeup tutorial and a lot of things pop up. Type in whatever kind of makeup or hair you want and youll find tutorials. ie' goth eye makeup tutorial, scene hair tutorial, casual makeup tutorial, etc.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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07 Jan 2012, 10:36 pm

I also get makeup tips from online tutorials on youtube. I am mentoring a fellow girl with AS...and one of her special interests is makeup. She recently attended school for makeup artistry and is phenomenal at what she does! She loves experimenting with different looks and regularly posts videos of her demonstrating different looks...I have learned so much from her.

If you want to improve your makeup skills...check out her videos! Just search for VHammondOfficial on youtube.

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08 Jan 2012, 9:58 am

Although I have worn basic make up for quite a few years it is only fairly recently that I have started to wear a bit more when I feel like it. Actually I am interested in the more natural ones. My sister is good at make up so I tend to ask her advice! Like you said registrateMe, I was never really interested in it as a teenager when a lot of girls seem to be. I wish I had been to be honest, because I feel a bit like you in that I am having to work it out later than most. Anyway it's never too late I suppose :P

As already mentioned YouTube can be useful although I found it tends to be more advanced stuff on there. Some of the make up brands have videos on their websites aswell so you could look on those. Other than that I think experimenting is the best way, if it goes wrong you can just wash it off!

Like others have said though, if you don't want to wear it don't feel you have to :)

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08 Jan 2012, 2:03 pm

I learned from teen/women's magazines, which is not something I recommend. The majority of magazines that contain "how to use X make-up" also contain "12 reasons you're still not pretty enough" and "don't think your man is cheating? He still is.". Real Simple isn't as bad as the rest of them, although it bothers me that it's so entrenched in being a "women's magazine" when the concept of organization has nothing to do with ladyparts.
Youtube is probably the most viable option for finding what you want.
I will offer one piece of advice from personal experience. The mascara that everyone says is a go-to, is NOT. It's cheap and crappy and looks awful. Mascara is one of those things that it's better to invest a little money in (say, $15 for a "fancy" brand vs. $7 for one that goes bad in three days and makes your eyelashes look flaky and scary). It lasts at least twice as long as the inexpensive kind and is so much easier to use.

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08 Jan 2012, 2:55 pm

snpeden wrote:

I will offer one piece of advice from personal experience. The mascara that everyone says is a go-to, is NOT. It's cheap and crappy and looks awful. Mascara is one of those things that it's better to invest a little money in (say, $15 for a "fancy" brand vs. $7 for one that goes bad in three days and makes your eyelashes look flaky and scary). It lasts at least twice as long as the inexpensive kind and is so much easier to use.

I prefer to take advice from those not trying to big up a product for the chance of selling it, so youtube is good for that.

But I don't pay attention to brands. I find mascara for me usually is fine with any type, even really cheap ones. THe brush makes more of a difference. I have several different brushes and just swap and change them (after a good rinse off) if I feel the one brush isn't working. That normally solves the problem.
I never, ever get clumps in my eyes and it just tints my eye lashes a bit to make them stand out. So maybe people just need to put on less, or use better brushes? I go side to side rather than up like some people too. Maybe that helps?

I also have a little brush thing I use over my eye lashes to spread out the eyelashes when they're drying too.

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08 Jan 2012, 3:40 pm

I learned at 12 from a friend's mom who sold make-up and was willing to teach me. But I found I don't like having stuff on my face, so I rarely wear any except on very special occasions.


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10 Jan 2012, 12:54 am

I taught myself, for better or worse results.

I still cannot put on eyeliner properly. Maybe I will just get it tattooed on... :idea:


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11 Jan 2012, 1:23 am

My friend taught me a year ago. Otherwise, makeup tutorials on youtube are your best bet. And with them, experimenting on your face. For starters, look for the everyday makeup tutorials.