charlulz wrote:
I have a huge issue when it comes to staring. I always find myself accidentally gazing at somebody. I've scared multiple people and gotten disgusted or mean looks because of it. Sometimes I don't know that I'm staring at somebody and they come up to me and say something like "what are you looking at" or at times things way more rude and hurtful (been compared to a serial killer before because of my blank face, i assume the combination of constant staring and a blank face is extremely unsettling).
Is there a way I can fix this issue, even when I dont realize im staring at somebody? It's really making it hard for me to make friends and it's making me seem like a creeper and I am the farthest thing from that..
i do this too. one way is to just keep staring forward, people will more than likely think you are focused on something else and that they simply came into the line of sight... that is how i manage to get "away" with my staring habit as much as i try not to do it.
I know i have seen looks of people faces as if they think im about to pounce and go medieval on their ass. i guess its because Im the sort that really wears emotions on the face. I would be a great and terrible actor i suppose