feel like I forgot how to write / talk to people.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 16 Aug 2015
Age: 25
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16 Aug 2015, 4:59 pm

I feel like I forgot how to write or even talk to people. (I don't even know how I should write about myself)

I don't have any friends in real life. My parents don't let me go anywhere.

I have a few friends online, but I'm scared of talking to them.

I'm scared of talking to anyone because I assume they hate me.

I still feel and act like I'm a little kid. :oops:


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17 Aug 2015, 1:24 am

I'm not sure how to accurately respond because I don't understand how you have difficulty doing so.

Is it the act of communication itself makes you so nervous you don't end up saying anything? E.g. stuttering, nervousness, anxiety, etc.

So maybe you try and communicate but fail due to awkwardness and nervousness?

Or maybe you feel completely unable to communicate at all even if you do try, if so I'd look into seeing if you have not only ASD but also Selective Mutism, which means certain situations you remain completely mute.

Is it you know how to speak and can but just don't know what to talk about/how to make small talk, so you still feel someone will hate you? Like if you talk about movies or whatever if you share your tastes/opinions they'll only dislike/hate you?

Anyway, tbh this very post is still clear and coherent so there's that. It just doesn't give me enough detail however by what you mean.

And it doesn't sound like you act like a kid. It takes maturity I think many adults don't even have, to have interest in self-improvement and making the effort to get better at life.

I'm not sure how old you are, you say you still live with your parents. Your posts makes me think anywhere from 13-Adult to me, but hinting that you might be an adult.


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17 Aug 2015, 4:07 pm

callie654 wrote:
I have a few friends online, but I'm scared of talking to them.

I'm scared of talking to anyone because I assume they hate me.

I often feel very similar in this regard.

If I message someone and don't hear back, I just think why? What have I done to drive them away?

The more this happens the more I feel like trying to communicate with people is just a waste of time.

Didn't used to be so bad before about... say six years ago, but it feels like it's just gotten worse and worse over time.

I'm okay talking to people IRL though, those few I know anyway. Which basically means family and colleagues.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 16 Aug 2015
Age: 25
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20 Aug 2015, 1:16 pm

I'm sorry, I'm 16.

I'm non verbal, I don't talk in real life. I'm scared of talking online, I'm always scared of what everyone else thinks of me.