sacrip wrote:
The length and honesty to which you answer the question is proportionate to how close you are to the asker. If it's someone you don't know well, then "I'm fine" is sufficient. If it's your best friend or family, then the real truth is ok.
This is a wonderful explanation and I really like this.
I have regularly struggled with this simple skill all my life! I used to take it literally and just launch into exactly how I was! I didn't "get it" that most of the time most people asking "how ya doing?" don't actually want to know.
Until someone came right out and told me with a nervous laugh: "Uhm....I wasn't really asking you for all that information. It's just a greeting and it's okay to reply "Fine and you?""....I was 33 at the time when they said this to me.
Problem is, sometimes someone IS asking in order to be told real stuff, and I still have difficulty knowing when or if it's supposed to be okay to be all "Oh, fine, and you?" or really say something that's been happening. And I still get a person or two reacting badly if I've been truthful and actually answered that question. Sacrip's summation comes closest, I think, to explaining what's appropriate and with whom.
Having said that, there is one person in my life right now who is really confusing me. She is a client in my work and I see her once a week. We've become closer and can chat about quite personal things when in conversation. So I thought we were close enough for "real" responses to "how're things going?"
Yet she's also hinted that when we first greet each other she really doesn't want a "real" answer to "How are you?" So I stopped answering truthfully or launching into something bad that had happened that week, and switched back to "Oh, fine...."
Then one day she ranted about "emotional dishonesty" and complained about people who are phony and put a front on things instead of being honest that they're having a bad day!! !
I feel like I can't win, with this woman!