Moondust wrote:
I sometimes miss it very much, but then I remember all the pain, frustration, humiliation, anxiety, fear, insecurity, rejection, criticism, envy, mocking, scapegoating, double-standards, one-upmanship, manipulation, control attempts, 2nd class citizen treatment and the desire dwindles.
Some of that sounds like what one became in college after grade school through high school were really good.
I told a mutual friend to tell him about my Asperger's now, years later. I'm sure he understands but at the same time think he probably figures like I do that it's just best we went our separate ways.
Thankfully I have some friends from high school and before I keep in touch with via e-mail though they've left the state, and some really good ones from church. If I had the money I know the one would love to hve me accompany him on trips to Green Bay. He loves to be silly and random and all that weirdness like the frist one I mentioned did when we were little.
I think the nice thing about the ones I know now is we don't take ourselves so seriously. I'll admit I fell into that pattern before I knew what it was I had - and it's borderline, could be PDD-NOS - but part of that, too, was because I was becoming like that first best friend did, because I was too used to just going witht he flow.
Now, this best friend and I get along really well. I'll say some weird thigns sometimes, but we can laugh about it and I know he doesn't care that i'm a little nuts.
A perfect example - we were watching football & he starts complaining about the referee throwing a flag when "our guy never touched the receiver." So I said "it was a flag for throwing an invisible force field at him." Then the guy asks how the ref could see if it was invisible, and I said, "a bird went on it." We can laugha t that kidn fo stuff; my best friend from grade school like that kind of stuff up through high school, then he got more and more embarrassed to be around me.
Church may not be for everyone, but in the right church, people will realize they're cared for.
If I get too busy and don't come back for months again now, thanks. You guys may have helped me write my next message to the online contacts I have with my online missions work t