Movie/ adult challenged to make friends piques AS interest.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Sep 2013, 5:12 pm

This thoughtful, French film (subtitled): 'My Best Friend' received very good reviews; a film that was "quite a find" at my local public library.

The character (an Antique dealer); a middle-aged adult challeged to make friends (who may have Aspergers - no references of Aspergers made in film) by colleagues. The character gets acquainted with a his neighborhood taxi-driver -- that drives the storyline of this film.

My perspectives: The character in the film demonstrated many 'faux pas' (that means 'false step' in French -- 'faux-pas' is a commonly used term amongst English speakers); that is 'faux pas' that I, and many on the Aspergers Spectrum (with difficulites in developing friendships) would mindfully refrain from doing. The film itself provides further examples; largely from the perspectives of comedy.

Another perspective would be the excellent choices of social activities/venues in Paris that would have best helped the character in 'My Best Friend.' I sensed such activities relating to the Arts and Culture in Paris may have been a good fit for the character who was an antique dealer, and somewhat knowledgeable about 'Arts and Cultural history.' I'm dissapointed that there were no examples of active participation in the excellent choices of Parisian social venues, get-togethers, etc.

Hence, at times, I had trouble empathizing with this character who "stepped out of his comfort zone" with the nudging of the taxi-driver acquaintence, to clearly get into situations that "to no surprise" yielded those painful lessons of social faux pas.'

LINK: Movie 'My Best Friend' Description:

LINK: Movie review: ... d/overview

LINK: My Best Friend (Trailer)(subtitled):

The movie 'My Best Friend' piqued interest in boosting understanding of friendships (despite having to read the subtitles, while following the storyline at the same time -- which in itself might challenge storyline comprehension common with Aspergers)

Anyways, it is important to boost discussions on additional, thoughtful movies that depict the struggles of adults (possibly on the High Functioning Autism Spectrum(HFA)) in forming friendships. After all, such movies can very well communicate (in the minds of Aspergers) the importance of "stepping out of one's comfort zone" to form friendships, hence transcending all of the nagging, sarcsm, etc. from caring (NT) people concerned with Aspergers.