I'm sitting here, in my comfortable thinking position, unable to sleep, yet again, with the movie Dredd playing in the background. I'm feeling the sudden urge to start the movie over because, at least, I think, Karl Urban did a great job as Judge Dredd. I type this page with the Roku remote, or actually the generic remote, with a Diet Coke by the left side of the laptop. My attention shifting back and forth between here and the movie, I forget at first what this post was going to be about. So I give up for a moment to reflect, going through YouTube videos. As I surf videos ranging from videos of fellow Aspies to gun and outdoor videos, I tried to think about the topic of this post, but my mind ultimately ended up wandering off on some 13 different tangents. Random thoughts like what my wife would look like, or if I'd even get one, what I'm going to do for work, future plans for careers, what car I should get, what my pal Marcus is doing right now, and all other random stuff that would come to mind. I peek over the laptop screen to watch the amazing slow motion captures that Dredd frequently displays. They do a great job, don't they? I reflect on some earlier posts I had made, wondering what the hell I was thinking, in the first place.
Then, memories of our trip to Mexico surfaced. It was a neat place, but now it's a hellhole, from what I hear. Drug cartels, violence.......not a nice place, after all. Then, my randomness inspired me, I always wondered why people hated Aspies. One place said people are vitriolic, haters gonna hate, that sort of thing. Scrolling down the Google search page, there were some pretty scathing links. I won't censor this, but, what evil f*****g people!! ! Seriously, who looks this s**t up? Web sites listing ways for Apsie to be less annoying, a link that say Asperger's is a fake wonder Holocausts exist, to get rid of as*holes like these people. It is said people can't be born without souls. From what I've seen, there are quite a few people born without souls, and they hold about as much moral value as the animals we eat. One link said Aspies want a cure. I LIKE BEING AN ASPIE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! ! I don't want a cure, speaking solely for myself. Unless they know what it's like, they can blow it out their asses!!
You can't cure evolution...I haven't been diagnosed as of yet so I'm still a toss up between an aspie and a sociopath. Either way it's an evolution. The lack of empathy and time I save not stressing about the same little crap everyone else stresses about allows me to be better than them. What better argument do you have for evolution? Aspies are evolving forward. Most people are devolving back into mindless slugs.

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
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Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
I feel the same thing about my Asperger's. I don't wish to be cured of my AS, ever. I feel that it's something to celebrate, not eradicate. I'd be happy the day that everybody stops fighting about a cure and puts their focus somewhere else like giving people incentives for hiring us.
The Family Enigma
According to Autism sites like WP, Asperger's and Autism have a connection with every serious disease; Meningitis, Alzheimer's, head cancer, Pneumonia, Leukemia, the list goes on and on.
Call that a blessing? Or should I believe any of it? To me if people on the Autistic spectrum were at higher risk of getting all those then Autism would be deemed a very dangerous disease itself.
Call that a blessing? Or should I believe any of it? To me if people on the Autistic spectrum were at higher risk of getting all those then Autism would be deemed a very dangerous disease itself.
Had Pneumonia, still alive, been vaccinated for Meningitis, never had cancer of any sort, perfectly healthy Aspie, I am. How old is the study? Did the word "may" or "might" show up before "have a connection"? If so, it's based on the researcher's hunch, not exactly proven.
Want to know something? A researcher named Wechsler found that 75% of people have IQ's of 100 or less. So, 3 out of 4 people you run into are what the internet refers to as derps. Do you feel better about yourself, yet? You should

No one should ever feel bad about being different, and yes, there should be special incentives for hiring Aspies, course I hear that's what the powers that be are working on, though I can't be absolutely certain.

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Posts: 117,616
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
I feel the same thing about my Asperger's. I don't wish to be cured of my AS, ever. I feel that it's something to celebrate, not eradicate. I'd be happy the day that everybody stops fighting about a cure and puts their focus somewhere else like giving people incentives for hiring us.
The Family Enigma
Call that a blessing? Or should I believe any of it? To me if people on the Autistic spectrum were at higher risk of getting all those then Autism would be deemed a very dangerous disease itself.
Had Pneumonia, still alive, been vaccinated for Meningitis, never had cancer of any sort, perfectly healthy Aspie, I am. How old is the study? Did the word "may" or "might" show up before "have a connection"? If so, it's based on the researcher's hunch, not exactly proven.
Well the media does scaremonger a lot. But what surprises me is some Aspies here seem to believe these articles about AS and serious diseases. The more people believe it, the more paranoid I become.
Actually, in a scientific paper, "might" or "possible" means that there is a non-zero chance of something happening. Likewise an increase in something happening means exactly that, an increase.
For example, if there is 0.00000000000001% chance of something happening it is possible.
If someone with something is 5% more likely to get some disease that happens to 1/100,000 people, the chances of actually getting aforementioned disease is still remote. There is, however, still an increased chance of contracting that disease.
Certainly, in cases where "may" or "might" are used it is often a lack of understanding of why this is the case, rather than statistical likelihood of it being true. The numbers are what they are.
Many people working in the media (or at least from the BBC), are aware when reporting on scientific papers that they run the risk of overgeneralising and making assumptions that are untrue or statistically irrelevant. They still get it wrong on numerous occaisions though. I daresay that some in the media do sensationalise many things to get more readers though - I am sometimes unsure whether this is purposeful or whether the journalist just lacks the intelligence and scientific background to understand what they have read.
I think having Aspergers generally gives us a unique perspective on the world. Also our special interests can sometimes help us later in life. For example, my passion for history has created an ambition in me to become a history teacher. I would rather be unique and odd than normal and boring.
I can relate to the op 100% .I enjoy my random crazy mind. I can entertain myself for hours by just living in my inner world. However I do not like being misunderstood, treated like im inferior or stupid, getting rejected by every girl I ask out, and just feeling like a freak of nature in general. Overall im comfortable with myself, I just wish more people could accept me for who I am.
Glad to see this thread.
Happy to know that there are Aspies who are not ashamed or guilty about who they are. After witnessing all the self loathing that goes on here, this is a refreshing change.
Of course, I am perfectly happy with who I am, and I would not want to change if a cure was to be found. No cure necessary for this Aspie!
Ahhh! How, I repeat, how can people think Asperger's is so awesome? I would try to love it but I fail to see what I can like about it.
I don't see what's to like about always having something offish about my social performance, but being too mild and high-functioning to ever be able to pinpoint what it exactly is.
I don't see what's to like about being torn between being so shy and introverted but wanting to go out and socialise at the same time, and so constantly feeling angry with myself for isolating myself, but at the same time isolating myself relieves stress.
I don't see what's to like about getting so agitated all the time and just wanting to rant and rave at everything like everything's annoying to me - but having to keep it in because it's not fair on other people (phew, at least I have empathy).
I don't see what's to like about being on edge because of certain sounds that distract or agitate me, and having to possess earplugs and earphones and God knows what else. It makes me feel like a freak.
I don't see what's to like about getting so obsessed with certain people, which practically gets me nowhere financially or intellectually. All it does is make a fool out of myself and become so competitive with the people I'm obsessed with that I begin to forget who I really am.
I don't see what's to like about being scaremongered when reading online studies about AS being connected to all these different mental and physical diseases and conditions, making me feel like my AS is making me at more risk of dying from some dreadful disease than the general population.
I don't see what's to like about feeling separated from other people. It scares me s**t when I read things about Aspies not able to connect to people, even though I feel I can relate to people and share the same sense of humour over most things, but then I think well I would have more friends if I could connect to people as much as I think I do, so there still must be something I am lacking. It makes me feel like I'm trapped inside a bubble forever, trying to get out but can't.
I don't see what's to like about being OK one week then having bouts of depression the next week. Anxiety is bad enough but depression is worse because for me depression usually comes hand in hand with self-hatred and guilt. Confusion, even.
I don't see what's to like about not quite knowing what I want out of life exactly; not wanting to work really but being bored and fed up not having a job. I think I just want to be independent and be my own boss. But then everyone says that's what everyone would like, so that might be normal thinking, or just maybe from depression sometimes.
I don't see what's to like about being the only Aspie in an NT family (and I mean an NT family, nobody even has anything other conditions either like Down's Syndrome or ADHD or MR or anything like that). So I just have to sit and hear about all my cousins doing this and that with friends and partners. It makes me so jealous!! !
I don't see what's to like about constantly giving off this standoffish vibe all the time, even if I try so hard to make eye contact, smile, stand up straight, dress presentable and be happy within the present moment, but when strangers walk past me they either glare or look away, instead of smiling back. It irks me more when people say it's because I'm so stressed or upset inside about having AS. It then scares me to think that strangers know me and my personal life. I feel that conforming to NT society is like flogging a dead horse, but then if I stop conforming to NT society it would feel like self-destruction.
I think I keep feeling depressed and anxious and self-loathing because everything I do contradicts what I don't do, then if I start doing the things I don't do then that'd contradict the things that I have always done (sorry if that sounds like a brain-teaser type thing). If you look at the paragraph above this then you'll see what I mean. Yes it's all very well trying to change myself but I never know where to start. Does it start by saying ''I'm awesome'' first thing tomorrow morning? Yes it's easy to say it but not so easy to feel it. I could say it every day for the next 50 years but never actually know how to believe it.
Ohh, I don't know why I'm chosen to have a stupid brain.
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