Try this one. I live in San Francisco and once
hung at Borders for years. I thought by being
nice(actually turned out diruptive in their eyes),
and interupted there conversations, said hello
inappropriately, demanded social attention thinking
of them as the closests things to a friend.
Well, I and the managers had words, "if you keep
talking to MY EMPLOYEE'S and, or if I get one
more complaint from the staff you are banned
from the store". Needless to say since book #6
is coming out I now( and recently being consciously
aware of how I am percieved by others, thanks
to my employer and the self-study, and started
going to www.WrongPlanet.Net) I have now a
new enclave, Starbucks and awareness of my
affect on people.
Nothing is perfect, I still get the look! But
toning down my behaviour, and not forcing myself
upon others I can say things have slightly improved.
1)....Know when to dialogue and not too.....
2)....Being a AS/HFA type personality,
"don't force your presence on others"
3) ...Try to look at the bigger picture,
•how you are percieved
•how you percieve others
•go with you instincts
With all this in mind knowing proper
protocol, I would have been a more
successful person than I am now(or in this
case-not successful I-Physically).
I hope this gives you insight into your