Yes the be positive bit really stood out to me to.
Be positive. Everybody wants to be around people who are optimistic, upbeat, and happy. Even if you don't feel positive all of the time, you should at least act positive when talking to other people. For example, if somebody asks you to tell them about your life, focus on sharing the positive qualities of your life rather than complaining about the negative ones.
Making your life sound positive will instantly spark peoples' interest, and they will want to hear more about you.
This is definately something I need to improve about the way I talk to people.
This one is difficult for me too, but I think it is important
If you want to seem interesting to others, you will have to show interest in them, especially when you are in the middle of a conversation. When you are talking to somebody, listen to what they are saying rather than worrying about what you should be saying. Make eye contact, nod your head, and ask them follow-up questions.
I find it really difficult not to ramble because I don't know what to say and I know that people don't think I'm interested in them because I know alot of people, but I don't really know much about them. It's hard to get the balance between not prying and asking too much and showing the appropriate amount of interest.