Gizalba wrote:
Thanks for your responses! Hearing them at least makes me feel like it is okay to do this, to make life easier for myself, it's reassuring to hear I wouldn't be the only one.
Fortran77 - Lol at the weather comment, that is very true. I always cringe internally when I hear myself attempting to respond about the weather, as I feel like I sound really boring and silly. but then I remember they were the ones who initiated a weather interaction so they must be fine with me replying with an equally pointless comment. So then I also feel cringey when I myself try making a weather comment to someone to try to be sociable, but I guess you are right that it is a good ice breaker and it probably doesn't sound odd to most people.
What I have learned is this- when you walk into a social environment, think about the top 5 topics that people might talk about. Then, out of the top 5, rank the ones that you are comfortable with talking about to the least. I do that all the time when I go to OT conferences when I socialize with my NT peers. That way, I am not nervous at all... the only signs of nervousness I might show are my accent (which can get a bit more when I am nervous) or faster speed of talking.