The brain is very complex, well of course it is.
Here you have a couple of small processing clusters similar to lima beans, and the complexity is still staggering.
People say it is electrical, but it is chemical, the electricity is facilitated by chemical components.
Ultimately, your thoughts are chain reactions of these chemicals, and some go to the little beans that stimulate emotions.
You don't have to be aware that emotions occur to have them or be affected by them.
Some feelings are even misfires of energy that leaks from one chain to another!
The brain is highly alterable, or "plastic," and the most plasticity research has been done on emotions!
There are techniques that may be used to make any behavior or sensory experience cause any emotion!
This is highly taboo knowledge used for adult purposes, and most people want to ignore it. Popular culture ties these practices mostly to bad practices like brainwashing, but just as many good (non-adult) things can be done with the techniques as well. Pavlov's dogs!
Then there are emotions and behaviors called instincts. So many things people do they can't explain, it's because their brain grew that way!
Maybe this explanation helped, maybe it just confused people.....
Still alive...