I am overweight,my weight causes me immense joint pain,I have to lose weight. I must exercise,but I can't because of my joint pain...I have even had pain killers prescribed to no avail.
I really do not know how to help you, then. I imagine you have seen doctors about this, if you have had painkillers prescribed. Is there any way for you to go on a diet or do something else that will help you lose enough weight to atleast be able to exercise?
I have tried alot of hobbies,but everytime I try one and give it up thats just more money my dad had to waste [he is really cheap]so its gotten to the point where he won't even entertain the idea of me getting a hobby
First of all, perhaps you should consider getting a job, if you are old enough, and you are able to do so (not sure, due to your joint pain, ect).
Second, I am sure there are hobbies you could take up that would not cost that much money. For example, with programming (forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't do it myself), you could probably just get a book or two and learn that way, or even see if you can find any good sites on the internet. The same goes for web design.