I know I haven't posted anything of late, but the reason for that is because I have been very busy lately with my collage studies.
However the collage I am going to has a quite a lot of young people (about 18- 21) in it and when I try to remember the subjects I was into (eg SF shows and films, plus my more recent love of superheroes) I feel that I cannot really 'connect' with them.
Also, it seems, that quite a lot of them are somewhat socially 'ret*d' (if you pardon the expression) this may be due to some of them having conditions (one of them seems to have AS) but regardless of this I would much prefer to be able to chat to them between lessons and at lunch time.
As it stands I spend most of my free time (in the collage, not some much at home) reading James Bond novels hoping that someone would ask me about what I was reading (one young gentleman said that he had seen the movie of 'Doctor No' and had enjoyed it, but that was about as far as it went)
Can any of you out there give me some advise?