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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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26 Apr 2014, 3:59 pm

I haven't talk to my cousin in months and haven't seen her in almost 2 years. She hasn't wanted to talk to me over the phone because she was busy with schoolwork, Kmuon, and clubs, or I called her too often and creeped her out. I won't be able to see her until Thanksgiving. My mom said to wait until summer (one month from now) to call either my aunt or my cousin. My sister either said to wait a week to call my aunt or a week to call my cousin. Should I wait until summer to call my aunt, or is there no need to? My aunt did get mad at my phone etiquette, (because I called too often and early in the monring), but I don't think I have to wait a MONTH to call HER. What do you think?


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26 Apr 2014, 4:19 pm

That's a tough one for me because I hate talking on the phone. Maybe they hate it too and it's nothing personal.

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26 Apr 2014, 4:28 pm

I suggest you send her a nice card in the mail, maybe with a small gift like candy or a trinket she likes, and apologize for being creepy if you haven't already apologized. Also, give a very clear and welcoming invitation for HER to call YOU.

That way, you don't have to worry about whether or not you will be calling at the right time, but you still know whether or not she wants to talk to you because she will either take your invitation or ignore you.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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26 Apr 2014, 5:03 pm

What if my mom isnt letting me send the card or go to the store and buy the gift, and I dont have the driver's license to do it anyway?


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26 Apr 2014, 5:12 pm

MonsterGuy wrote:
What if my mom isnt letting me send the card or go to the store and buy the gift, and I dont have the driver's license to do it anyway?

Well, I guess it depends on why your mom won't let you do she afraid that you'll write something inappropriate? You could offer to let her read it before you send it. Or maybe your cousin or aunt said something to your mom about you not contacting them for a specific amount of time, like they don't want to deal with the situation until vacation time or something. I don't know, you could ask your mom.

And if you have no way to get to the store, you can just write a letter or make a simple card and mail it from home.


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27 Apr 2014, 2:26 am

You have posted quite a few threads about this, and the Turkey thing, so I think your mom may not let you call or anything because you seem to tend to be obsessive about this. Most people don't like to be obsessed over and your mom may very well be trying to keep peace in the family by preventing you from bugging them. Since you have called her so much, if she's not calling you back then she obviously doesn't want to be talking to you right now. I'd just let her be.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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16 May 2014, 12:46 pm

OliveOilMom wrote:
You have posted quite a few threads about this, and the Turkey thing, so I think your mom may not let you call or anything because you seem to tend to be obsessive about this. Most people don't like to be obsessed over and your mom may very well be trying to keep peace in the family by preventing you from bugging them. Since you have called her so much, if she's not calling you back then she obviously doesn't want to be talking to you right now. I'd just let her be.

^ What she said. It's not gonna kill you to wait a month or so and it's in your best interest to let things cool down a bit unless you want to risk permanently damaging your relationship with your aunt and/or cousin.