Don't you hate it when people insult each other, but in that jokey way where it's not supposed to be offensive? It really gets on my nerves, and although I am not the sort of Aspie to take this sort of thing literally, I am still no good at having one of these stupid conversations with people.
Like this morning some teenagers got on the bus to go to college, and a girl sat in front of me and a boy walked past her seat and she stuck her finger up at him. I could tell it wasn't a hostile thing, she was just joking (God knows how I knew, I just did because I am good at reading body language), she just did it calmy and was grinning anyway, and it sort of irritated me. If I had of done that to one of my friends, they would have took it seriously and got all upset, even if I had of been mucking around with them beforehand.
Also I saw on Facebook somebody ''arguing'' with their boyfriend, although it wasn't really arguing, they were just joking. It went something like this:-
Girl: Some twat pushed me over today
Boy: You made me do it, b***h! xx
Girl: I did not xxx
Boy: Liar! :/ xx
Girl: f**k off, weirdo! xx:P
Boy: U f**k off, b***h!
Just reading that really irritated me. Why can't people just have descent conversations. When I read older people's posts on Facebook, they're so much more mature, even if they do joke, they don't use all these swears and insult each other like youngsters of today do. Does anyone else find this sort of thing irritating, people always insulting each other but not in a nasty way? What makes it worse is if I tried to do that to someone, they'll probably think I mean it seriously, knowing my luck.
I don't mind having a little joke, like once at my voluntary job I said I would stay for another hour, and the manager smiled and said, ''oh so we've got to put up with you longer today then?'' I knew she was just joking, so I laughed and said, ''yep!'' and she laughed too. Also when something went wrong with the paperwork, the manager pointed to me and said to one of the others, ''see, it's Jo's fault, you see...'' but I knew she was joking so I laughed and said, ''thanks!'' and they laughed too, then the joke was older. But sometimes people just go a bit far, which gets to a point where it starts to annoy me when they do it to each other.