The Squid must say that ourselves (And many other aspies) are generally okay when it comes to being alone, as long as we have our hobbies. The Squid can go for months at a time without contact from a friend. We do however work about 80 hours a week which is more than enough social contact with the outside world for us. One thing we have noticed however, is that many aspies never break the bond with our parents. We find the time to go visit our mother every other week, and spend the day with her (She lives two states away, or it would be more often) Even when we do not wish to see or speak with anyone else, we ALWAYS find time to spend with our mother. Your son may have the same connection with his father. We are not sure how your son will react if his father informs him that he cannot visit as often as he likes.
What we can say, is that when we are fine with being alone, we act like we have always acted. If your son seems to have no problems being alone, and enjoying his hobbies, he will be fine. In our experience, when we have craved social interaction, but cannot find any, we become depressed. If you notice your son losing interest in his hobbies, or experiencing depression symptoms, you should talk to him to find out what is wrong. We suggest you encourage him to bring a co-worker home to hang out with, or perhaps find out if there is a convention nearby that showcases his hobbies. There are conventions about everything nowadays. It will do him some good to go, and meet people who enjoy what he enjoys. Perhaps he will pick up a phone number or two?
To reiterate, you and his father will always be a part of his social network. If he is not finding anyone else to become friends with, it's because he's not in the right place. Conventions and events are great, because we are so passionate about the things we love. If your son seems fine around the house by himself, it's probably because he is fine. If you don't already have any, perhaps a pet may be just enough for him. Someone he can talk to about about anything, and who will always be there with him.