My husband had his gall bladder removed years ago because of gall stones. Now that kind of surgery is a piece of cake,they do a loperoscopy (oh I spelled that wrong) and then a lazer. It's quick with the recovery so your mom will be fine. Not the 6 weeks recovery it use to be. Right now your mom is in terrible pain I bet. Oh gosh I remember, I'm like "enough with the test already, get rid of it." Your aunt probably feels very useless and helpless, but it's not right that she would be taking that out on your family, expecally at this time. Maybe you guys could give her something that would make her feel more useful, like have her be the one who makes the phone calls to everybody after your mom's surgery so you won't have to. And by the way, my dogs are spoiled. SO THERE!! !! All dogs should be. Your Aunt sounds very trying, but she's family so what are you gonna do? I'm sure if she pushes to hard your dad will deal with her, your mom shouldn't have to at this time. Good luck, I'll keep your family in my prayers.