I'm SO glad I'm not in your shoes. When I got my first apartment around this time in 2001, less than a year after my diagnoses, I had a filthy dirt bag neighbor who had just moved in and spent the whole day drinking and playing his music incredibly loud (the CD was skipping and everything) while I was unable to sleep at all, apparently because of some sob story he told me later about breaking up with his girlfriend or whatever male-bovine droppings that was no excuse for his behavior, and everything I tried to do made the situation even worse. When trying to politely ask him to turn his music down and explaining how I hadn't slept the night before solved nothing, I put my fists up in a threatening manner and he started screaming that if I did anything he'd have me arrested for assault. But that didn't stop him and his "sister" from verbally assaulting me through my window, screaming and cursing and laughing hysterically afterwards. The landlord did nothing, the police did nothing, my parents could in no way help me, I ended up suffering a complete breakdown and being taken to the hospital while the piece of human filth and his "sister" went "nya nya nya nayah NYAH" as they watched me leave. Worst of all it happened on 9/11 and all that added to everything else made put me through an endless nightmare for months. When something like that happens it's like there's no one at all to turn to. They blame you, everything is your fault, they think that asking them for peace and quiet especially in the evening is like asking for a kidney, and they are the biggest Karma Houdini ever. I hate the human race and the bad guys always win. And that's why you shouldn't try anything to get back at your neighbor because YOU, not THEY, will get in trouble.