Personally I don't really dislike looking younger than I am per se, but I fear not being believed in an important situation, like going abroad and someone thinking my passport is fake. As it is, at this point I wouldn't wanna go abroad alone.
I'm not sorry that I don't look older though. It fits how I feel.
Do you sometimes feel like lying about your actual age to people?
Yeah, I do, and I do dodge it whenever I can. Not just because I'm younger looking but because I have accomplished so little.
Do people actually react positively when they find out you're way older than you look to them?
No, not really. The only situation where I sort of had to say it was to someone who was 10 years younger than me and thought I was her age. She was surprised and seemed to think it weird. In all other situations I have avoided correcting the mistake.
I think most would agree with that person and think it weird.
Do some people consider it to be a turn-on in a certain way?
I can't imagine so, no.
Does the problem really get better with time in your situation?
It hasn't so far (37). But I am starting to get some grey hairs so maybe it will... I can't say I'm looking forward to it...