I pretty much think this is probably bang in the middle of the bell curve for most aspies. I find the same sex hard to understand, so the opposite one is even more alien to me. How did anyone else get over this?
I am getting quite self-concious lately and noticed how... ludicrous I must look. I can talk (relatively) normally to guy mates, and when a girl turns up, I start stuttering. Definitely nervous, even around people I trust more.
The fact that I fancy her (do I really though...) probably does not help, but I had observed that I do that almost with all girls, though to a lesser degree... but note that family members and much older females do not trigger this.
Also, I found that I observe people. Perhaps too much. I used to think it is from my days from watching animals and studying them (my zoology degree probably reinforced this), but lately I noticed that I recognise certain patterns, be that gestures, written communication, choice of clothing etc of people. Is that the obsessive thing aspies have trouble with?