I got this classmate. Despite the fact that I don't know much about her, I really like her. A good person to work with. Smart. Bloody gorgeous. Also, shares my interest in martial arts, outdoors, hiking etc.
But also... I guess, shy. As I mentioned in a previous post, she will come up to me for small talk (which I'm still horrible at), but withdrawn when around her friends.
It's... just quite hard to, you know, understand her. I know singling her out is a colossal no-no, but her, shall we say, mysteriousness plus the fact that she does not use much "social" media meant it is nigh impossible to communicate when not face to face, which is still painfully awkward for me...
On a plus side, we agreed to try out this martial art thingy after exams... a minor victory for me I guess..
Any advice?!