So yesterday my mom contacted me like 10 times, and the last 6 messages said, "Why aren't you responding?". I just ignored them. I wasn't busy, I didn't forget. I literally read them and didn't respond. Eventually she gave up and never contacted me again. It's amazing how quickly NTs give up when they are always the ones telling us to not give up. My brother came over, but i was asleep, He sent a message saying he came over and he's going to keep coming over everyday. I just ignored it. Again I wasn't busy, I just felt like being a dick. So today I opened my curtains and kept my light on, so that when he comes over, he will see that I'm obviously home without actually seeing my body. He'll get frustrated and give up soon too.
Did these people ignore me. My mom, no. My brother has quite a few times. But they both tell me to just 'let it go' and all that crap. And in the past, people who I never ignored just ended up disappearing on me, NTs and aspies. I also let a few doors close in peoples' faces too today. For now on whenever people say anthing to me, I am going to act like their not there. My other option is to continuously break my things and bombard people with messages asking, "why arent you responding?", but that has never done anything but hurt me and eventually it'll just land me in jail, so I choose the former.
I'm not going home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. There is this class that I don't need to graduate and it's driving me bonkers, and I'm trying to withdraw but the people who say their gonna help me out with getting out of it, I have dealt with before and are complete flakes. I have the same teacher next semester for a different class, and the class only has 9 people in it, make it 8 without me. I am just going to not show up anymore and fail. All these what ifs drive me nuts. I am treating all of this stuff like OCD now. Let the anxiety rise, peak and fall.