Like, I suspect, most of us, I have days where I am more "passing normal" and days where I have trouble functioning in society to varying degrees. Today is one of my Aspie days.
At breakfast, it seemed like I kept saying things that made people upset and I didn't know why. Then a friend said something unintentionally that made me so upset I had to leave the table. I know she didn't do it on purpose and didn't think I'd react as strongly as I did. Honestly, I think in most other situations, I probably would not have reacted that strongly, but I was already very stressed.
There are also the ongoing complications in my life of going back to school in my 30s, being married, living on campus, trying to juggle home life and school life (socially), trying to get all of my homework done on time, and constantly second guessing others and myself because I can't read people. If someone says they like me, it's hard for me to believe, so I obsess over it and stew.
And emotions... why? Why do they happen? Why can't I figure out why I'm sad or upset half of the time? Why do the attachments that people put on things (myself included) make no sense to me, ever?
Dx'd Asperger's 08/20/14