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30 Sep 2014, 2:02 am

Or does it not really make a difference?

Tufted Titmouse
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30 Sep 2014, 8:03 am

Someone on here said it's common for aspies to get on with opposite members of the sex.
I'm gender neutral so I'm not sure I have an opposite gender so much, but I'm female bodied and definitely get on with males more.
But this is because I feel they BS less and females often see me as a sexual threat and hate me. They must think me being asexual is a clever ruse. XD
I personally would think it depends on the individual and what they're used to though. =]

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30 Sep 2014, 10:05 am

It's not really the gender, it's how my culture socializes the sexes. At least, that was the case when I was younger and I found spending time around men to feel more natural than spending time around women.

In adulthood, it's a matter of interests. They're all either male-dominated fields, or my personal tastes seem to mostly be shared by men. When it comes to video games I meet a lot of women who like WoW, LoL, and JRPGs, but I've only met one who likes Divinity: Original Sin. This can be applied to music, movies, reading, and writing, too.


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30 Sep 2014, 10:06 pm

I am more likely to get along with a male than a female just because I have a more "socially masculine" mind. But I have female friends who are similarly inclined. They are just rarer. So for me it's not a preference for male friends, it's a tendency to gel better with masculine-minded people.


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30 Sep 2014, 11:58 pm

oh, biological male and i have always gotten along better with females. have always had more female friends than male, i'm losing a bit now but my closest friend is still a straight girl that i have known for two years. i've had male acquaintances but for some reason i don't accomplish much when i have conversations with them, as many of them seem to just brush me off and the same cannot be said for when i'm talking to girls.

i've identified as male but i am...not so sure now. my female friend doesn't seem to mind the little i tell her though. she hasn't texted me in over a week... :?

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01 Oct 2014, 7:34 am

I am developing my own personal theory that the reason I have no real close friends and most are female is that while I MUCH prefer talking with women, my interests (like Hockey) are quite masculine. I almost feel like I am stuck between the two camps, just like how in school I fell right in the middle between the "jocks" and "nerds" and was targeted as a result.


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01 Oct 2014, 9:57 am

When one interacts with the opposite sex, they're less likely to encounter competition. I think that's the main reason why. And there's attraction.

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01 Oct 2014, 10:03 am

Oh yes the older that I get I have more of a preference to associate with male friends than other female ones like myself. The main one is because most of them seem to be insecure and when they get something that I don't it's an all out war.

I enjoy male friends because I don't have to worry about cat fights over something irrelevant. Examples "Whose married first," or "Who gets along with men better," "Who is in the limelight."

Right now I have a great male friend who is just awesome to be around. He is just very sincere and loyal.


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01 Oct 2014, 10:19 pm

GiantHockeyFan wrote:
I am developing my own personal theory that the reason I have no real close friends and most are female is that while I MUCH prefer talking with women, my interests (like Hockey) are quite masculine. I almost feel like I am stuck between the two camps, just like how in school I fell right in the middle between the "jocks" and "nerds" and was targeted as a result.

You just posted a large part of what my life is like


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03 Oct 2014, 6:42 pm

I have found this with people on the spectrum, some of the AS guys I know can get along better with females. Most of my friends are female, but I do have 2 good male friends that I am kinda close with. Most of the others are just acquaintances. I do get along well with most guys, but some of them are just giant d-bags unfortunately. But the nice ones do exist, they are just hard to find these days and I am always grateful when I do find a good one to make friends with.

There are some benefits to girls having male friends, from my experience:

-They don't gossip so much like girls do
-They aren't critical on outfits and appearance, if they are just a friend
-If you are more of a tomboy, you probably find that you relate to them more, I am a bit of a girly girl but I have found that I can talk to them about lots of general topics, that I don't talk about with my girl friends.

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04 Oct 2014, 9:33 am

I think I get along better with women because I don't conform to the male gender stereotype & am more sensitive.

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06 Oct 2014, 12:43 am

nick007 wrote:
I think I get along better with women because I don't conform to the male gender stereotype & am more sensitive.


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06 Oct 2014, 4:19 pm

Anna_K wrote:
I have found this with people on the spectrum, some of the AS guys I know can get along better with females. Most of my friends are female, but I do have 2 good male friends that I am kinda close with. Most of the others are just acquaintances. I do get along well with most guys, but some of them are just giant d-bags unfortunately. But the nice ones do exist, they are just hard to find these days and I am always grateful when I do find a good one to make friends with.

There are some benefits to girls having male friends, from my experience:

-They don't gossip so much like girls do
-They aren't critical on outfits and appearance, if they are just a friend
-If you are more of a tomboy, you probably find that you relate to them more, I am a bit of a girly girl but I have found that I can talk to them about lots of general topics, that I don't talk about with my girl friends.

most friends you help, become your life long friends unless your just a plain as*hole that cant really have good friends and want low lifes in your life. it's all about trust. nothing to it. if your honest and loyal, then your good friends. otherwise your just plain stupid and jealous.

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06 Oct 2014, 5:45 pm

I have more female friends than male friends. Though I do get along with my male friends and do care about them, I've always found that I can be most comfortable around females because I feel they would be less judgmental of me with my AS.

Tufted Titmouse
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07 Oct 2014, 7:42 pm

While I tend to get on better with guys I'm really sick of them seeing me sexually.
What's weirder, is they go between seeing me as one of the guys and as a sexual option.

So I go between having to sit through conversations of how 'all girls' do stuff they KNOW I don't do. I'm either targeted as someone who should explain the behaviour or they go 'yeah but you're not really a girl' (To be honest that's kinda true as I'm gender neutral but they change their opinion based on what suits them really).
But I also am subjected to the drunken messages saying how amazing I am and how much they'd like to do the dirty to me. And like... it's like saying it to one of their straight male friends (Im asexual) and they either don't understand or don't care that much...

Also guys are getting increasingly bitchy! I think it's the lack of facial hair!

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08 Oct 2014, 4:03 am

I prefer male friends and feel more comfortable with them, preferably aspies :D I don't feel so comfortable with girls and women at this point, I've seen so many occasions of exaggerated social drama, harsh judgement-passing, and I don't belong in their ''girl in their twenties-world'' anyway....

I like eccentric aspies for the most part, and sincere people in general.

Crazy cat lady, unfortunately without the cats.

(not a native speaker)